Public or Private?

It would seem that two of my recent posts were published privately?  instead of publicly.  They didn’t show up in my email notifications, and they were headlined with “Private” when I clicked on them to check.  Odd.  The mysteries of software and computers.  Hal isn’t some myth from ‘2001’.  He is alive and well and lives in cyberworld.  He actually controls cyberworld…

Anyway, in case you are relying on the email notifications for my blog entries, I believe there were two missed entries,  A More Focused Monday and Cast of Characters were published earlier this week.

If anyone blogs using WordPress and knows why a blog entry would spontaneously publish privately instead of publicly, let me know.  I know how to correct it once it happens, but not what I did to cause it in the first place.

Where Did the Time Go?

Is it Wednesday night already?  I have spent most of the last two days sitting in front of my computer, my hand permanently attached to my mouse, processing photos of houses, additions, and renovations for my sister’s website (she is an architect).  My eyes are crossing, I’m not processing anything in my brain, and my hand is in the permanent shape of the mouse.  I have to uncurl the fingers from it when I want a tea break.   But I’m making huge progress.  I am close to the end.  There are a total of about 30 pages for this site, and I have about 6 to go.  My sister is thrilled.  So I’m thrilled too.

timeThis is my favorite clock in the house.  It is in my studio, right by the door, within site anywhere I happen to be.  My husband and I use to collect clocks, until we had no more space to put them.  I showed my work at craft fairs all through the 1980’s, and traded for a lot of craft/art work over the years.  Do you know how many pieces of pottery/dinnerware you can get for one handwoven jacket?

Anyway, I remember trading a jacket to a husband and wife craftsmen team, and I got a few clocks for the trade.  One was this one, done on foam core, the signature is Gail Oring, but it isn’t really clear, so that may not be correct.  It is done in a very Lichtenstein-esque style, (Roy Lichtenstein being one of my all time favorite modern artists, seems to me we saw a retrospective of his work at the Tate in London on one of our trips). The clock keeps ticking away, and I totally identify with the blonde in the artwork.  It is always “beat the clock” with me.

My daughter and I took a break when she got home from school yesterday, and we curled up in my bedroom (which is the only TV I can figure out in this house), and watched the DVD from the fashion show at the Tampa Convergence, sponsored by the Handweavers Guild of America, in June of 2008.  One of my previous blogs, I talked about the challenge project I was involved in for this show, and the presentation I put together for it.  I haven’t forgotten, I am still waiting for the “HGA Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval”, and then hopefully I’ll have my own disk to market.  But the DVD from the Fashion Show is now available from the HGA, for about $25., including shipping, less if you are a member.  It is worth seeing.  If you belong to a guild, get it for your library.  It is an inexpensive thing to show at a meeting, you just need a computer/projector set up, and this past year’s version is well done.

That said, I have a couple of musings I’d like to share.  I’ve seen a lot of weaving conference fashion shows.  I’ve seen some with professional models, I’ve seen even more without, where the maker or someone from the conference wears the work.  I’ve seen some really professional models, and I’ve seen some models that have no business modeling.  I’m not talking about body types.  It is the way a model carries themselves, walks, and presents the garment.  I’ve seen some pretty bad ones.  The models in this DVD were at best, a mixed bag.  But that happens, and that’s what the agency sent.

But what I really want to talk about, has nothing to do with the models, or in this case, everything.  When I sent my work to the Surface Design Conference in Kansas City in 2007, the paperwork clearly explained that I had to send coordinating support outfits, head to toe, for the model to wear along with my accepted garment.  If I was sending a short jacket, I had to send the skirt or pants, and a shirt with it.  Even the accessories. What that does, is it makes you think of the garment you have made as part of an ensemble.  When I was given the criteria for the design challenge I was asked to participate in for the Tampa show, my partner and I were told our project had to be an ensemble.  I am thinking much more in terms of “ensemble” with my work now, especially if I design it for the runway.

Fast forward to the Convergence show.  I was back stage for much of the preparation of the fashion show, the fittings, and the dress rehearsal.  Sadly, no request was made of the participaing artists to send anything other than their actual garment.  And no one shopped for coordinating garments or accessories.  So that left whatever the models had in their bags.  Which is usually black.  Spandex.  Badly fitting black spandex.  So the artists who sent a beautiful silky jacket in gorgeous Floridian colors, it was stuck on a black spandex body.

So my message to any of you who design garments, and might want to submit work for a fashion show, don’t wait for the sponsoring organization to ask.  They might not.  Design an entire look, like they do on Project Runway.  That doesn’t mean you have to weave the pants and the shirt.  But you could make them out of a commercial fabric and send them along so the garment isn’t orphaned.  When you watch the DVD, you will see exactly what I’m talking about.

The good news here, is that the work is really easy to see.  The models held still long enough for the close-up cameras to really pan the garments, and the details are pretty amazing.  Sadly, there isn’t a clue about what techniques are used, only the name of the artist and title of the piece.  I’d like to encourage the HGA to consider putting that information on future DVD’s as well.

loomAnd, I got the first Overshot placemat woven for our placemat exchange.  If you haven’t been following this thread, since way back over the Winter Break when my daughter started winding the warp for this project, in a nutshell, my daughter and I are each participating in an overshot placemat exchange with our  guild, Jockey Hollow Weavers.  We are each paired with seven other weavers, and each weaver selects an overshot pattern, and we each select our color, and give 2 ounces to each of the other weavers in our group.  The idea at the end is, you will get 8 placemats in your color, each with a different overshot design.  My daughter immediately selected purple, and asked when I select my color, that I pick something that will sort of go with purple so when I die, she can have my set as well.  🙂

So I picked a celadon green.  I love how icy it looks.  I started with my mat, to work out all the bugs with the loom.  This one is a little quirky, and the warp beam is slipping, and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get it to hold tension.  I haven’t been totally successful.  But I made it through one mat, only 15 more to go…

A More Focused Monday

When I walked into my studio this morning, the looms were clearly more content, no longer naked, except my poor big guy.  So I removed all the piles from the big loom, which started a process, filing the programming information for my guild, which meant making room in a file cabinet for that, and that turned out to entail purging all the old files from all my articles I wrote over 35 issues for Handwoven.  Boy was that a stack of papers.  I still have all the computer files, and I do refer to them from time to time, but the hard copy stuff needed to go.bigguy

So now my loom is just naked, no longer a catch all for what I hadn’t gotten a chance to put away.   And I have a number of little baby looms, a couple Structo’s, and a Penny Loom, they sit on top of the other looms, and my inkle looms haven’t come back yet from California, they sit on top as well.

I spent most of the day processing photos for my sister’s website.  I’m sort of bleary eyed.  I welcomed the break in the afternoon, to run over to the breast center for my annual mammogram.  I know most people dread getting one, but I love the huge relief of hearing those wonderful words, “everything is fine, see you in a year…”  So if you have been putting off getting one….

After dinner I drove to the Westfield Weavers, a guild I’m not actually a member of, it is a bit of a distance away, but I wanted to hear my old college professor Carol Westfall give a lecture on her 2007 trip to Europe to see the Venice Biennial, and the Documenta Kassel in Germany.  The work was politically charged, lots of recycled materials, and I felt like I had just been through a major textile/art exhibit at the MET.  A great evening.  I met Carol in 1974, in my first weaving class in college, (Montclair State University in NJ), we have remained friends ever since.  A great lady, she touches all those she meets in very positive way.

My husband and son finished their first day of skiing in Utah, so far, no broken bones!  They are having a great time, conditions are excellent.

A Cast of Characters

I could not get focused today.  Maybe it was because I got up at 3am to drive my husband and son to the airport.  They are taking advantage of some frequent flyer miles, my son’s spring break, and some new snow in Utah, and off they flew to Salt Lake City for the week to enjoy some guy time on the mountain.  🙂

I did go back to bed once I returned from the airport, and I did manage another four hours of sleep, but the day felt very disjointed.  So I puttered.  I did a little of this, a little of that.  After all, it is Sunday, and most normal people get off a day or two a week.  That would be a foreign word for me.  I did some grocery shopping, cleaned my bathroom, started cleaning the kitchen, the dirt doesn’t stop coming just because I left for a week for a conference.  I tackled a pile of files, deciding that my son’s progress reports and school files from elementary and middle school, now that he is in college, didn’t need to be taking up space in my file cabinet any longer.  They’ve been on my floor for awhile.  So that pile is gone.

Speaking of piles.  loom1

This is what happens when a loom is left unused for a period of time.  Piles start to cover it.  It looks lost amid the debris.  I had a major guilt attack today over my poor naked looms.  I’m in the middle of too many other projects to even think about getting a warp on this puppy, my beloved first loom, a 45″ 8 shaft double sectional back beam Tools of the Trade, I bought in 1978, right out of college.  I love this loom, I will never part with it.  I have woven thousands of yards of fabric on it.  But at the moment, it is looking like a neglected child.

Enter the twins.

twinsThis pair of looms sits beside the big loom.  I never named my looms, not sure why. It was hard enough to name my kids.  So this pair, both from Tools of the Trade as well, bought in the 1980’s at different times, helps me out when my big loom is busy.  The one on the right, 25″ wide, is four shaft, and it is warped with 10/2 cotton for my daughter’s and my placemat exchange we are doing with the Jockey Hollow Guild.  More about that later.

The one on the left, is pretty well equipped, for a 25″ wide loom, it has eight shafts, double sectional back beams, and is a little work horse.  I wove the Arctic Sky fabric on that loom.  It currently has the remaining yard or so of tencel warp from a Bonnie Inouye class I took last October (oh how embarrassing).  It had my only 25″ 12 dent reed in it, which I needed for the placemat exchange loom on the right, so I stole it.  Just pulled the warp out of the reed and moved it over.  So I couldn’t have woven the rest of the warp if I had wanted to.

loom2To the left of that loom, I have a 25″ Tools of the Trade table loom, also four shaft, that I keep warped with a Theo Moorman 10/2 cotton structure, for my art pieces.  I just finished the Big Sister piece, and I had originally needed the 12 dent reed for that one, but settled on a 6 dent reed, though I wasn’t completely happy with the reed marks it left.

So I was pretty embarrassed that nothing was happening on any of my four looms, one without a reed, one with the wrong reed, one with a warp and nothing started, and one with no warp at all.

So I looked through my vast stash of reeds, and found an extra 12 dent reed I had purchased used many years ago, for my 45″ loom, and I had my daughter hacksaw the thing into two pieces.  I decided that I needed to spend the day paying some attention to my poor neglected looms, and I resleyed the tencel warp into the replacement reed, and I switched out the reed on the table loom, tied both warps on the front beams, and they are ready to weave.

dog_tracksI turned my attention to the placemat exchange, and spent some time getting the structure to work right.  I took it from a workshop I took many years ago with Barbara Miller on 18th Century Structures.  It is a four shaft overshot pattern called Dog Tracks.  My daughter and I are both participating in this exchange, each of the 16 participants picks a 5/2 cotton weft color, and winds off a couple ounces and passes a ball off to each of the other 7 participants in their group.  My daughter and I are in two different groups.  So we will each have eight different overshot placemats at the end, all in our selected color.  I chose a grayed green, and I started the whole thing with mine.  Once I reworked the treadling, to give me the placement of the blocks I wanted, it started to weave quite well.  warp

I detest two shuttle weaves.  I know, I know…  But I am use to weaving yardage, lots of yardage, I like my shuttles to fly, and two shuttle weaves just don’t produce the speed of a one shuttle structure.  Part of the problem here is the size of the loom.  There isn’t room for the two shuttles to fit on the web, when I beat, they bounce right off the loom into my lap and onto the floor.  I solved this problem on another warp I did, by taking the unused second back beam from the eight shaft (remember two warp beams require a second back beam), and clipping it onto the front of the loom, with a heavy plastic ruler clipped to the surface so I have an extra ledge to support the shuttles while I’m weaving.

I did manage to get to Morristown today, to practice with my recorder group.  I probably didn’t mention that I play Baroque recorder, I play alto with this group, and we got all new music today, something new to practice, a whole play list of French love songs from the 1600’s.    And I did manage to get down to my neighbor’s house for our Sunday night ritual, a gathering of the women to watch Desperate Housewives.  We hoot and howl all the way through it, and will be really sorry when the season ends, it is a long way until September….

It turned out to be a productive day after all, and the looms (all except my big one) look so much more happy.  I think tomorrow I will clean off the big loom so it doesn’t feel so burdened with my junk…

A Great Diversion

I packed up a long list of supplies to bring to the American Sewing Guild neighborhood chapter meeting this morning.  My local chapter is called the Clifton Clippers, which meets in, obviously, Clifton, NJ.  It is a growing group, the few meetings I have attended, there are always a handful of new people.

Unlike my weaving guilds, the sewing guild programs tend to be more hands on, bring a machine and make a project.  That’s really tough to do in the parameters of an average weaving guild meeting.  So I’m not use to packing up supplies right before a meeting, and I enjoyed poking through my studio looking for stuff on the list.

renie-helen-dorothyToday’s program featured ASG member Renie, a talented sewer quilter, who lead the group step by step in turning a sweatshirt into a decorative cardigan. That’s Renie in purple on the left.  I didn’t shop ahead of time, and purchase a new sweatshirt for the occasion, I just rooted through my closet and picked the two that didn’t have anything written on the front.  Works for me.

We were suppose to bring a half yard of coordinating fabric.  In this group, it is assumed that your fabric will be a cotton quilt fabric, but I’m not a quilter, and my stash consists of a lot of odd things, and lots of handwoven scraps.  I had a half yard piece of handwoven fabric, left from my production days, (that would be the 1980’s), poorly sett, plain weave, with lots of mixed warp yarns in various textures and colors, and a variegated rayon weft.  I really wasn’t sure what we were going to be doing with it, but I packed up my machine and stuff on the list, and hit the road.

The meeting was fun.  I love the companionship of others who think like me, are creative, I love show and tell, in any of my groups.  One woman turned a daughter’s wedding gown into a Christening gown for her daughter’s baby.  It was beautiful.  What a great idea.  And of course I showed off the dress I wore in the fashion show in California.

So the program started, and Renie carefully laid everything out step by step, she had a sweatshirt/cardigan on that was lovely, and had another one in various stages of development.  She explained the process and then turned us loose.  This guild is beginning to get use to me, only having handwoven fabric to play with.

DarylCuttingDarylSewingWell, I had a blast.  Once I got the sweatshirt cut apart, and the bottom trim on, I packed up my things, to continue at home so I could use my own powerful iron, and I could concentrate.  And take pictures….  🙂

So, the first step was to remove the wrist bands and waist band.  Then after carefully measuring, I cut up the center front, instantly transforming the sweatshirt into a cardigan.  Renie showed a sweatshirt turned inside out, and I loved the feel of the inside of my favorite red sweatshirt, which I was cutting apart for this adventure, so I turned mine inside out as well.  So the outside now feels like soft cotton fleece.

sweatshirt1Then I took my handwoven and cut 1 1/4″ strips off the selvedge, these I sewed to the bottom and fronts of the wrong side of the  jacket, and brought them around to the front, top stitching the selvedge into place.  Renie used quilt fabrics, which don’t have the same kind of selvedges as handwoven fabrics, so she left extra to turn under on her strips.sweatshirt2

We were told to bring stencils if we had them, shows how much I know, I brought my fabric painting stencils, with fabric paint.  Duh… what they really meant was quilting stencils.  So I borrowed a pretty one from Renie, and traced the pattern onto the back of my materials list.  I brought it home, and expanded it to fill the space on either side of the center front.  I then finished off the edges of a wider strip of handwoven, and pinned it down on the back of one of the garment fronts, and then traced the quilting stencil pattern onto tissue paper.  The old fashion kind that tears away easily.  Renie could just draw the stencil onto the back of a quilt fabric, but that doesn’t work for a slubby multi-colored handwoven.  I placed the tissue drawing down on the top of the handwoven strip, which was cut just a bit wider than the stencil design, and pinned everything into place.

sweatshirt3I went to my trusty Janome 6600, God I love this machine, and carefully followed the stitching outline I drew on the tracing paper with a medium size stitch length.sweatshirt4

Once I finished the stitching, I tore away the tissue paper, and then from the right side of the jacket, I clipped away the sweatshirt fabric to reveal the handwoven underneath.  Obviously you have to be careful here, and it helps to have sharp scissors with really blunt tips.

sweatshirt5I worked on the second front, I was a woman possessed.  Forget any thoughts of cleaning, or cutting out my poor arctic sky jacket lining.  I wanted to finish this jacket.  It is my new favorite thing to slouch around in.  I’m calling it my studio sweater, for when I need something comfy to put around my shoulders while I’m working, my well worn sweatshirt is now a stylish jacket trimmed with handwoven.  I finished edging the sleeves, and Voilá!

I realized that this is an excellent thing to do with a surplus handwoven scarf.  The selvedges can be used for the edge trim, and the interior of the scarf can be the strip that peeks out of the cut away stencil design on the front.  I have a few extra scarves sitting around, and I’m thinking there are other sweatshirts that could use a transformation…

Of course I worked right through dinner, and that meant we had to go out, so I got to wear my new jacket to the pizza place.

So now I’m going to totally blow off the rest of the evening, and watch the episode I missed last weekend while I was away, of Desperate Housewives, on my computer.  Oh, and BTW, when I was exiting the subway Thursday night in NYC, I saw a poster on the wall advertising a new HBO series, starting on March 29, at 8pm, Alexander McCall Smith’s #1 Ladies Detective Agency Series.  So those of you who don’t watch television often like me (Desperate Housewives is the only thing I watch other than Project Runway when it is airing), and don’t get advertising for this kind of stuff, you might want to tune in, the books are terrific!