You win some, you lose some…

Actually, forget the winning part, I’m just happy when I’m accepted.  All the notifications are out for Convergence exhibits.  I received a couple of acceptance emails a couple of weeks ago, but was asked not to “announce” the decision until everyone had their written confirmation or rejection letters.

You may remember back in January, that I spent a feverish few days entering shows and applying to conferences, and I’ve heard back from all but one exhibit.  So the count stands at Acceptances 4 :-), Non-Acceptances 7 🙁  That’s actually a 36% acceptance rate, and I’m pretty OK with that.  None of my artwork was accepted this go round, but my garments, and yardage did well along with a couple of accessories.

I already mentioned in a previous blog that my yardage from last December, called “Some Enchanted Evening”, was accepted to the Convergence yardage exhibit, and two of my pieces, the Frosted Florals Dress, and the felted  Celebration Bag were accepted to Fiber Celebration 2010 in Greeley, CO.

I got the results from the Convergence fashion show, and two of my garments will be included, as well as a scarf I wove in the Eye Dazzlers Exhibit, which covers just about every thing else except yardage, fashion, and Small Expressions (which I did not get into…)

In addition, this year I was accepted to teach at all of the conferences that I applied to, including one I hadn’t yet applied to because it conflicted with the ANWG conference.  So I’ll be teaching at Midwest, MAFA, and ANWG, and I look forward to another busy inspiring summer in 2011.  My schedule is as always, available on my website,  There may be some confusion about my web domains, I seem to vacillate between and  I’ve had the weaversew domain for so many years now, I hate to give it up, but the information is the same in both, as one domain is parked within the other one.  Either works, and both will get you to the same place.

I added in this blog post this afternoon, two in one day is a bit much I know, but I was curious to see if something I did earlier this morning might help or heaven forbid, correct the fatal error messages.  I actually went back to the original post where we started noticing the errors, and deleted all the revisions.  There happened to be 10 that day.  I had had trouble getting the photos to all line up the way I wanted them to with the text.  So far, this is the first post in about a month, where I didn’t get the fatal error message about six times during the writing process.  Could it have been that simple?

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