Superbowl Sunday

I am throwing out a quick update before I head out to a Super Bowl party.  I am not of course interested in the game, mostly hanging in the kitchen with my girlfriend, though the commercials interest me, and I’ll be especially curious as to who is actually going to be advertising with the current economic crisis.  And my step-sister is a marketer, so our conversations the following week are much like a critical analysis of a current art exhibition at the MET.  But I can catch the commercials tomorrow online, without having to be bothered following the game.  And my daughter is recording the game, so we can fast forward through it and only watch the commercials.  Now that’s a switch….

sarisMy husband returned safely this morning, about 5am, from Mumbai, India.  It was a long 16 hour non stop, but he is home, and in his suitcase were 10 georgeous silk saris, he picked some lovely colors.  I use these for linings, and trims, both of the coats photographed over the last week had saris for linings.  All ten saris cost around $90, and each one contains yards of material.

I believe there was a enjoyable chick flick recently, titled “27 Dresses”.  Something about a perennial bridesmaid who had a wardrobe full of the oddest collection of prom gown/bridesmaid dress/costume ensembles.  When I walk into my studio, I feel like I 27-dressesjust opened her closet, hanging from the archway between the two halves of my studio, are actually 27 garments, I counted them last night after I blogged, though two of them are mens trousers.  They are almost all prom type dresses, some wedding types, beaded, sequined, and I’m a bit overwhelmed looking at the rack of alterations I need to do in the next few days.  This is where the “One Day at a Time” slogan comes into play.  In this case it is “One Dress at a Time…”  I managed to work through three of them last night, burning the midnight oil, and I am getting into the rhythm of down and dirty sewing, no handwork allowed, constantly remembering, “It won’t be seen from the audience”.  That is my new mantra.  And if any of you know my work, you will know that this is the complete antithesis of how I usually work.  The sewing needle and thimble are my best friends.  Alas, that won’t get me through this stack of froth.  So, tomorrow, I’ll attack the next group, but for today, I have a party to attend, and a day to pay attention to my world traveling husband…

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Kitty Anderson
Kitty Anderson
February 4, 2009 11:10 am

WOW! You have hit the jackpot! I’ll save any comment about the 27 dresses! Better you then me, is all I can say.
The Sari’s are beautiful. Love you, Mom


[…] a gift from my husband’s last couple of trips to India.  I blogged about it in early February.  I sat chatting with a girlfriend yesterday while I started the hours of handwork, a really good […]


[…] fabrics, actually came from the stash of sari’s I got from my husband when he flew back from Mumbai, India last January.  There was also a small scrap of a quilt fabric that someone handed me at an ASG meeting a couple […]


[…] I attended the rehearsal again last night, and now have a suitcase full of alterations to do today on top of finishing up my article for SS&D.  Shades of 27 dresses… […]

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The best way to learn how a garment is engineered on a body, is to take it apart.  When I...
