The Party’s Over

And what a party it was!  But sadly, all good things must come to an end, and reality takes over!  So now I have a studio full of stuff to make, lots of wonderful ideas, and no time to actually sit and make stuff.  Sound familiar?

I leave in two weeks for the first of a half dozen teaching commitments, which will take up most of my summer.  In between I’ll be working on an article on the Designers Challenge from 2008 for SS&D, and a book review, revamping my keynote address for New England Weavers Seminar, and building the newest seminar on Website Success.  This last one is a killer, and has been haunting me, lurking in the back of my mind since I agreed to do it last fall.

The more I research, the more I get overwhelmed.  And all that stuff lurking around me, just calling me to come and play with it…

But I got up early, dusted my downstairs, fed the snake (don’t ask), put in the next load of laundry, cleared away all the clutter, made some breakfast, tackled some of the emails I didn’t get to answer yesterday, filled a book order, and finally sat down to work on the website seminar.  Surprisingly it went well.  I’m moving along on it, I have a number of resources to pull from, largely it is deciding what is important  to cover, and what is “Way Too Much Information” for a 2  1/2  hour seminar.

rockerSo, I won’t be any fun until this seminar is put to bed, you’ll just have to entertain yourselves for awhile, but meanwhile, I did promise photos of the fabric I bought at the Fabric Depot in Portland, OR. for $5./yd, for my poor fading rocker.  My mother in law gave this rocker to my husband and me for our wedding, we reupholstered it when she gave it to us, and we have been married now for more than 30 years.  The fabric is worn to shreds, and it is on the list, the very long list of things to do around the house, but finding a fabric that I think looks great moved the reupholstering job up on the list, just slightly.  Maybe in September.  No wait, I promised my guild I’d redesign their website.  October?  No, I promised my other guild I’d redesign their website.  Well, for now, I’ll just leave the fabric sitting on the rocker. rockerfabricrockerseat

I darted out to my car this morning during a massive thunder storm, to gather up the silk scarves that were curing in black plastic, still on the floor where I had left them.  I rinsed them thoroughly, like Kerr told us, and hung them to dry.

I’m so loving this technique.  The lack of planning, the instant gratification, and the possibilities are making me really want to just dive into getting some screens, a padded cover for my work table and running amok!  Alas, I have things to take care of first…


But they are pretty, and I have lots to look forward to.  I’m hoping to spend a couple of days this summer, mixing dyes for some warps, and getting a bunch of warps painted to work on through next year, I’ve run out of handwoven fabric to sew, and am really itching to get my big loom up and running again.  It has been naked waaaay too long…  Of course, whatever dyes are left from that escapade can be thickened and screened on whatever is laying around.   Too many techniques, not enough hours in the day….

Stay tuned…