Small Towns, Supermarkets and Change…

Even though I live in Northern NJ suburb, about 20 miles west of Manhattan, I live in an old town with a population of about 11,000.  We live in a house that predates the tax records in 1914, on a tree lined dead end street.  We have about a half acre, two lots, where we have ponds and perennial gardens, and a little bit of private space.  We can walk to the center of town, which at the moment is offering less and less.  In this poor economy, there are more shops empty now than are actually operating.

But I can still walk to the bank, the post office, the library, and best of all, a fabulous, huge, fully stocked Shoprite Supermarket.  The store draws from surrounding communities, and has been there in this new space, almost 20 years.  When we moved to this town, 27 years ago, the Shoprite was in a smaller, very old and cramped space, with no parking, and we all cheered when when the new sprawling shopping mall opened.  Most of the stores attached to the Shoprite are now empty, there is the liquor store (you can’t sell alcohol in a supermarket in NJ,  and we can’t pump our own gas either!), and of course the pizza place and Chinese restaurant, and oddly enough a Radio Shack, but not much else.

Recently, the owners of the Shoprite, decided to undergo a much needed overhaul of the store’s layout.  The physical structure of the store remained intact.  Earlier this year they relocated the floral section to the entrance, and in its place build a huge cheese counter/display, costing me an extra $20. whenever I walk by it, it’s the samples you know…   this overhaul of the layout was much needed, and the purpose was to make the flow of merchandise more logical and to allow more brands, and more choices within a category.

I will admit, the old layout made no logical sense.  The organic section was at the back of the store by the dairy, and the dried fruit and specialty nuts were next to the fish counter.  Some things were stuck in odd places, and if you wanted salsa, it was found in four different places in the store.  It reminded me of the illogical organization of my personal fiber library, which I reorganized last month, over the course of a few days.  Well, this 20 aisle Shoprite was a lot bigger than my half dozen bookshelves, and you can’t imagine the total chaos of removing every single item from every shelf and relocating it.

What surprised me most, and why I’m bothering to blog about this, is the community reaction.  You’d think the entire town had been relocated and put on another planet.  It has been a major source of amusement watching the reaction of the supermarket shoppers both in and out of the store, this has been the biggest topic of conversation, not the current state of the economy, school starting, the NJ governor’s race, but the changes in the supermarket layout.  To wander down the aisles is first of all, dangerous, and secondly, very humorous, and thirdly very frustrating.

The danger comes from all the shoppers craning their necks to desperately search for where the item they are looking for might be found.  I was bumped by a shopping cart six times in my last outing there.  The poor employees, strategically placed in the aisles for customer assistance, armed with maps of the new layout, are being accosted by disgruntled shoppers like a sold out Bruce Springsteen concert.  Their venom at this total inconvenience is sort of scary.  And of course, I get the frustration when I have been searching for the case of Annie’s Macaroni and Cheese for the last four trips to the store, because the entire organics section has vanished, and no one knows where the items went.  I was finally successful on Saturday when I logically looked at the newly relocated Macaroni and Cheese section and there it was, on the bottom shelf next to, well, next to Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.  Duh…

As a marketing strategy, this is actually brilliant.  This little stunt has caused every shopper in this store, to look at every item in search for their favorite brands.  I’d love to sit down with the numbers when this is all done, and see how much people spent beyond their regular purchases buying things they never new the store carried.  And, if you are environmentally conscious, and trying hard to buy more organic products, they are right there next to the regular products, increasing the choices and making you more aware of the options.

The neighboring town, where we send our kids to High School (our district is too small to have it’s own High School) had it’s annual Fireman’s Carnival this past weekend.  I had to really refrain from laughing out loud when the topic of conversation over by the beer tent switched to the chaos at the supermarket, and how frustrated everyone was because they could no longer just run in and grab what they needed and run out.  Whole aisles have been moved!  The book, “Who Moved my Cheese“, came instantly to mind, we as a species don’t tend to do well with changes in our routine and our world in general.  Even if the change is logical and important.  Flexibility is not an innate trait in most humans.  It isn’t in my nature either, but I’m really trying hard to be more flexible and open to the changes that the universe brings me on a daily basis, even silly ones like the reorganization of my supermarket.

This would include such things as upgraded software, changing where I put things in the studio, (because I’m sick of things falling out of cabinets whenever I open doors), new fall school and activity schedules for the kids.  And of course moving hundreds of contacts in six different locations to Google Contacts so I can sync with everything.  I’ve spent most of the weekend trying to figure out and use my new iPod Touch.  I finally had to call in the special forces, my techie husband, who had to bail me out.  But I successfully downloaded a book on tape (with his help), from my library’s free service, and listened to it all the way to Maryland and back yesterday for a Labor Day party.  So I learned to be patient, and that change is sometimes good.  Last night my husband updated my blog software, there was a reported worm attacking all non updated WordPress blogs, so he stayed up really late last night to make this change while I blissfully slept.  I love my husband…

So now my next upgrade is to change from Office 2003 to Office 2007.  There will be more hair pulling and gnashing of teeth, as I learn this new piece of software.  Change is ultimately a good thing, usually, once I get use to it, I feel like there is something new to explore, and I even have a refrigerator full of new foods I discovered in my rearranged supermarket while looking for the Annie’s Macaroni and Cheese…

Ready to Go!

As chaotic as the couple of days before I leave for a trip are, I sort of like the frenzy and the tying up of all the loose ends.  And once I am on the road, I don’t have to think about anything that goes on while I’m away, I have a very competant husband, and the kids do just fine without me.  As a matter of fact they appreciate me more I think.  Course now, with a nineteen year old son living in the basement, he doesn’t have a whole lot of need for me anymore, and my daughter is away at camp.  So my husband will get into all sorts of adventures while I’m gone, like having a new driveway put in…

The weather here has been glorious, and yesterday was no exception.  After I did what I had to do in the studio, I took my lunch outside, and enjoyed the deck, except the neighbor decided to have a monstrous dump truck back into his backyard, and dump a gazillion pounds of stone down the back of the hill.  I sort of needed ear plugs to enjoy my lunch.  Once the truck left, I gathered my yellow legal pad, and a pencil, and the journals for one of the Designers’ Challenge Teams from 2008, and sat in my gazebo, listening to the birds, and the waterfalls, and the Mongolian wind chimes, and wrote my article for Shuttle Spindle and Dyepot, the old fashioned way.  There is something to be said for a yellow legal pad and a pencil albeit a mechanical one.  (I love mechanical pencils, there is something about always having a crisp fresh point!)  It felt good to get that out of the way, and really good to just sit outside and enjoy the gardens.  I really tried hard to avert my eyes to all the myriad weeds that have sprouted with all the rains.  We have about 300 maple trees springing up all over the place.  They are only an inch tall, but they grow fast!

wool1fleeceThe crock pot is getting a much needed rest.  I have quite a collection of beautiful shades of wool, and there is still one batch drying on the rack in my studio.  There is plenty more fleece to dye, so I’ll crank that puppy up when I return.  I did scrub the bathrooms down today, so I’m not leaving a dye ring around the bathroom sink.  Since I’m dyeing the fleece in the grease, there is a bit of a lanolin ring around the bathroom sink, tinted with whatever color I used that day.  Comet is a wonderful thing…

My husband figured the crock was never coming back to the kitchen, so he went out and bought me a new one from Sears.  🙂

So today I worked on updating my files in the laptop, moving over presentations, my keynote address, burning additional CD’s and pen drives, just in case.  And this particular conference has me doing 6 different talks/seminars/workshops, so there is a huge amount of different materials to pack.  Because I’m not getting on an airplane this time, I have more flexibility in the suitcases, and I’m bringing equipment I can’t fly with that I don’t normally bring, packedlike a warping mill, and cone holder, for the class on Paddle Warping, and my larger inkle loom for the inkle loom workshop.  I have a suitcase or totebag for each of the seminar/workshops I’m teaching, that way I can be organized for each changeover, and I never know if my classes will all be in the same place.  I HATE when they aren’t!

I’ve printed out driving directions to the Amherst Inn where I’m staying for the conference.  The conference itself will be at Smith College, in Amherst, MA.  So I found an address for the college to plug into my trusty GPS.  And I loaded up a book on tape, except now it is a book on MP3 player, to listen to during the three hour car trip.

Now that I’m working again, there is a big discussion about updating my electronics, exciting on one hand, but a huge roll your eyes headache on another, while I adjust to new equipment and a huge learning curve.  I would dearly love to reduce my 25 pound computer/projector bag to just a few pounds, this is getting sort of critical with airplane travel.  So I’m looking to get a NetBook, and a much smaller digital projector, and upgrading from my trusty Palm Pilot (Ok so I live in the dark ages, it works for me…) to an iPod touch.  My tech savvy husband and girlfriend convinced me last night at dinner to try Google Calendar which syncs with my Outlook Calendar, and can also sync with my husband’s Google Calendar, and will eventually sync with an iPod Touch, and my head is already reeling…  I want to go back and play with wool…  So I tried to load into my Google Calendar two months worth of data, to see how I like using it, instead of the one I’ve used for years on my Palm, which sync’d up well with my computer.  And of course I desperately need to upgrade my office suite to Microsoft Office 2007, (I’m still using 2003) and I have to install and move all my bookkeeping over to Quicken because Microsoft Money is no longer being supported…  So much technology and so little time to learn it all.  The stupid thing about technology is you work at learning something, finally get a working proficiency at it, and the software and/or hardware changes and you have to start all over again.  Blissfully, handweaving is NOT like that.  You can hand weave the old fashioned way and get great satisfaction from four shafts, throwing the shuttle back and forth, and watching the threads slowly become cloth.  And sewing too, I have a high tech machine, but I sew my garments the same way I did when I learned 40 years ago, with a straight stitch, that goes forward and backward, a good pair of shears (now there is something that hasn’t changed since the beginning of time…) and a needle and thread, and yes, I still use a thimble.  So, sewing and handweaving are my antidotes for the swirl of technology that leaves my head in a frenzy.  And if the power goes out, I can still hand sew and throw a shuttle.  🙂