On the run…

I promise to just touch base and be off again, it is very late and I have to get up early in the morning to leave for the Newark Museum to teach all day.  I’ll be there Friday and Saturday, and then on Sunday I teach a one day class in inkle loom weaving.  Meanwhile, last night my daughter gave a lovely presentation on braiding with the Lucet, I’ll try to get a couple photos up later on, but she had everyone braiding away, and they all looked like they were having fun.

My son has a role in County College of Morris’ fall production of Once on this Island.  I helped with the costumes, and my peacock coat is on the god of water.  It looks amazing on him.  The show opened last night.  I caught tonight’s performance, it was magical.  If you live in the north Jersey area, it is a real theatrical treat, great story, colorful and beautiful.  Shows are Friday and Saturday evening at 7:30 and there is a Saturday matinee.  Tickets are only $15.  I’ll be there Friday and Saturday night as well.  So it will be a busy couple of days, and I doubt I’ll have a chance to blog.

I’ve done about three yards of the eight yards of trim I need for the rocker.  It is coming out quite well.

More later…