And the digging out begins…

Just got back from attempting to dig out the cars and the walks.  See, snow, even a couple of feet to remove, isn’t all that horrible, with a snow blower and big brushes/brooms.  But this mess, which is about 3-4″ of solid frozen slush (I’ll never look at a 7-11 Slurpee the same way again…).  It is heavy and you have to chip it away in sections off the walk ways and try not to damage the concrete.  No amount of rock salt, of which I’ve used 20 pounds in the last few days, will remove it.  And the water can’t go anywhere, so it just refreezes.  I chipped away at the walks and the cars, and fortunately the air temps are now above freezing so everything chipped in chunks, and I got the walk cleared.  I don’t know what to do about the driveway, so I’m crossing my fingers my husband gets in before dark, haven’t heard he has been delayed coming in from Frankfurt.  And we have no heat again.  So I’ll want him to look at the boiler before I call the plumber again.


I took to heart the comments, both on the blog and emailed, about the belt on the plaid dress.  I think it looks under styled and naked without something, and guess what?  I have two very narrow strips of the plaid left, enough to squeak out a belt I think, and a couple of leather 1″ buckles that could work making a very discreet belt.  That might be the way to go, that’s what worked on the paprika silk version.

I had planned to try to go out to a gathering of knitters last night, but my son, who had been out in his truck, vehemently warned me to stay off the roads, so I took my project I had packed up, and curled up with the inkle loom and began to sample trims for the next project.

I had so much fun!  Just doing a trim sampler was a blast.  And the more I worked the more ideas I got.  I am happiest with the last one I did, and I still really like the first one I did with the rattail circles.  I think I’m going to switch out the silver and gold threads, and I found a heavier silver yarn, so it will make more of a statement.  And I found a 5/2 perle cotton in white which will match the very white ground of the jacket fabric.  The white rayon I used was just a little off of real white, so it looked a bit yellow next to the fabric.

I think I’ll try to get another scarf woven while I wait for my husband.  The loom is nearer the doorway and the heat from the wood stove rising up the stairs to the second floor.  Lots to keep me busy in the next couple of weeks…

Stay tuned…

Edit:  Reworked the Gold vs. Silver and really like how it is looking.  Going for the rings I think…

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Rita Rooney
Rita Rooney
February 3, 2011 8:18 am

the dress looks beautiful and the thin matching belt will be terrific. The inkle loom band in gold vs silver looks perfect. Its great to have a nice stash for workovers!

February 3, 2011 8:24 am

Definately the circles….in my opinion. They make a visual “stop” whereas the zigs “lead ” the eye. Version #2 with the silver dominate is very nice. This is going to be one classey outfit!

Julie Kornlbum
February 3, 2011 8:31 am

oh yeah, the one with the rings really looks nice. They both look great, but the rings will make a beautiful trim for the jacket – IMHO.

February 3, 2011 11:20 am

Right on with the matching belt. Might get more drama with something on the corner of the bodice or with jewelry front and center? But I would have to see it. Like the rings also with the silver. My vote is in. Our snow is just now turning to ice. Don’t envy your predicament.

Linda Dean
Linda Dean
February 3, 2011 3:47 pm

I love your trim. I would love to learn how to make trim like that. Do you have instructions?

February 7, 2011 4:33 pm

Ah. I am using Windows Internet Explorer and the refresh button did the trick. I don’t want to miss the blogs! Gayle

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Dear Mother Nature…

OK, enough with this winter wonderland crap.  We are so done with the ice and snow...  If it is too...
