On the Road again…

Just a quick post, I’m all packed, and ready to head north to Rhode Island for the weekend.  I’ll be giving a seminar on color and a workshop on closures to the Weavers Guild up there.  This is one of those routes where you can’t get there from here.  It is impossible to travel I95 along the Connecticut coast for 150 miles without hitting traffic.  And this is Friday afternoon, and I have to cross the Hudson.  There is no good way to get there.

So I have a book on tape (actually my iTouch, downloaded from the library) and I’ll take a Vivarin shortly so I don’t do something stupid like fall asleep while I’m driving, and I’m on my way.  I expect to return late Sunday night.  This one is a skid in and skid out kind of trip.  After the last Marathon, it is a blessing.

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March 5, 2010 3:36 pm

Take care Daryl and good travels!

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Fortune Cookie Says…

Actually being Arizona, it was a fortune Taco, but more about that later... I'm starting to get letters.  I apologize...
