Special Event pt. 2

Last night was a very special night for me, and for Photographer Pete Byron. Pete has spent the last two years photographing breast cancer survivors, in joyous playful moods, in spite of their scarred and misshapen bodies.  The Morris Museum, along with huge support from the The Carol G. Simon Cancer Center at Morristown Memorial Hospital have put together an exhibit of Pete’s images and public awareness programs for the month of October.

In June of 2007, my friend Misa called me, her former neighbor, whom I’d met at a party at her house a year or so before, was a freelance photographer, and beginning to explore this personal subject, and was looking for breast cancer survivors who might be interested in working with him.  I spoke with Pete, and was instantly taken with his approach to the subject, and agreed to a photoshoot.  Pete was generous of spirit, and easy to trust, and I’m thrilled at the end result of images now on exhibit at the Morris Museum.

Last night was the opening reception, it was packed, with all sorts of dignitaries, the press, the women who shared their experiences with Pete, modeling for him, allowing this exhibit to take place.  Families and friends, and supporters of the museum and the cancer center at Morristown Memorial Hospital (where my children were born),  were there, as well as medical students and other breast cancer survivors.  The food was excellent, and the wine flowed.  It was a beautiful evening, celebrating the many faces of Breast Cancer.

MorrisMuseumExhibitI got a great shot of my family, beside one of the two images Pete used of me, all of the images he shot were of me at the loom, doing what I love, and I was proud of the support.  I hadn’t originally invited my son, he isn’t usually around anyway, but he ended up coming with his friend (I think the free food was partly the draw) but it meant a lot that he came and looked at the exhibit and understood the importance of what it represented.  My sister even drove up from Maryland.

DarylwithFriendsTwo of my friends came as well, Misa is on the right, she introduced me to Pete, and my neighbor and good friend Deb is in the middle.

PhotoDarylartistStatementI’m including the statement I wrote, that hung next to one of the images of me.  As I read it I thought about how important this whole cancer thing has been to me and my work and how I view my life.

This has been a privilege, working with Pete, and being part of this event of celebration and friendship.

And, if you’ve been putting off getting that mammogram, this is breast cancer awareness month, early detection is critical!

Pete is looking to expand this body of work, and hopes to publish a book as well.  If you are interested in working with Pete, or know of someone, toss me an email and I’ll put you in touch with him.

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October 2, 2009 5:48 pm

Last night I gave a eulogy for a friend who did not survive her breast cancer. We all need to remember and help. Thanks for keeping us informed, Daryl.

October 6, 2009 2:03 pm

would love to be able to read the statement that you wrote. can’t quite make it out. if you have a copy of it, post it sometime. I also wish I could have been there for the event. I know it was an important evening for you to share with loved ones. glad to see the whole family came out for the event….and deb too! You look grand. smiling and positive as ever.
love ya. candiss


[…] the survivor’s statement I wrote that accompanied my photo in the Pete Byron exhibit at the Morris Museum, The Faces of Breast Cancer.  So here is the text in case you couldn’t make it out from the […]

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