Fiber Celebrated!

Friday night at the conference featured the opening reception of Fiber Celebrated, a national juried show, located in the Center of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College, hosted by the Intermountain Weavers Conference.

I was exhausted by my last two day’s adventures, and there were so many people who had heard of my misadventures, especially fiber_celebrated3fiber_celebrated4fiber_celebrated5the locating of the missing box at the Home Depot in Durango, that it was hard to actually get to see the show.  Everyone wanted to hear the story.  I felt like a celebrity!

I waited until the show ended, and the awards were announced, and I grabbed a quick couple of photos of the installation.  It was a beautiful show, a lot of southwestern themed works, but a great cross section of fiber mediums.

Enjoy the show…


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Fred Black
Fred Black
August 4, 2009 7:32 pm

Thanks for the photos. I’ll be unable to get over to the show and so was interested in how my rugs (the Churro Chiefs design and the Churro Arts and Crafts design) were hung. They did a great job.

Fred Black
Taos County

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