I’m getting as tired of writing this headline as you are I’m sure, of reading it. And the cold dreary rain continues…
But today I felt a little better. I have daylight fluorescents all over the studio along with a number of OTT lites. I put all of them on which brightened the atmosphere considerably, and I didn’t feel the gloom as acutely. So, after my morning routine, I decided to finish up the dress, and got the lining cut and sewn, inserted it into the dress, and now all I have is the handwork. I’ll take it to the meeting tomorrow night to finish it.

I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out. It is so pretty, especially from the back, and it fits well, at least for the moment. I have a feeling the dress will continue to grow, but I can take in the seams more, if I need to, there are worse things in life! 🙂
The colors really look like a summer splash, and I’m glad I have something to remember the whole Challenge project, that I can wear, because the original ensemble will travel with the HGA until 2010, when the next group of designers will present their work, and Loretta and I will get our ensemble back. I told Loretta she could have the coat, most of her contribution was on the coat, the beading, collar, and felt godet in the back, I’ll get the long teal tencel dress, since it was mostly my work, but I’ll have this dress to remind me of the Design Challenge for Tampa Bay!
When I started this blog, way back in December, I had outlined six projects I wanted to work on over the next few months. With the completion of this dress, I have finished four. I still have to formally photograph the Arctic Sky Jacket, and this Splash Dress, but here is a recap of the last few months of work.

All this and a new website, and a blog, and a website for my sister, I’m realizing how well I used the time I’ve been out of work.
I spent some time getting the contracts together for my guild for our workshops for next year, lots of follow up there, but the board meeting is tomorrow night, and I want to be ready.
Meanwhile, good things are coming up!
First, The Fashion Show, a Bravo TV fill-in for Project Runway, (which was sold to Lifetime Network, and won’t air until late summer 2009), starts on Thursday, May 7th for it’s first season. It is a complete Knock-off of Project Runway, except instead of Tim and Heidi, Isaac Mizrahi will be the host. The reviews are great, and hey, it is a design competition, just like Project Runway, and what’s not to like? So, I won’t be blogging on Thursday nights 10pm/9c, while I watch the latest episode.
And my favorite bloggers, Tom and Lorenzo, formerly of Project RunGay, have launced a new blog, combining a couple of their blogs, which feature fashion, and reality TV, have the absolutely best up to the minute photos of what’s happening in the fashion world and on the runway. I tune in daily, there is always something fabulous to see. And the comments are a terrific part of the blog. This is fashion at its best and worst, and if you play around on the site, you will find the actual final runway shows of the top three designers of Season Six of Project Runway, no designer names of course, but I had my little taste of PR today, enough to keep me going until August when the actual season airs.
Late last night I decided to weave another placemat for the exchange, which is due next month.
Score: Mom 5, Bri 4…