I can’t let yesterday get too far away without acknowledging the milestone. 2/22/2002. A day in infamy. The day of my breast cancer diagnosis. Changed my life forever and not necessarily in a bad way. There were many good things to come out of that dark year, and it has been many years now since I went through it. I’m sure now, if I had to go through it again, that the treatment would be completely different, but I survived. And I not only survived, I lived. Another 13 years. It was with a bit of trepidation on Friday when I went for my routine colonoscopy, so close to the anniversary of my cancer diagnosis, but when I woke up from anesthesia, it was so incredible to hear, “Everything is fine”. Same last month with my mammography and sonogram. There is always that lurking idea in the back of your mind that all is not OK with the world.
It has been a roller coaster ride these last 13 years. I’ve grown so much, in age and in wisdom. I’ve reached so many more students, in so many more venues. I’ve started this blog, which is now more than 6 years old. Technology has changed so much, and today I did my first webinar for Weaving Today, part of a five part series on Garment Construction for Handweavers. I heard it went well, but the real feedback has yet to come in. If you weren’t available today for the live post, the recording will be available for download shortly.
My kids are all grown up now, they were young when I went through cancer, and I’m thrilled for the extra years to watch their journey. I have so much to be grateful for, and they are pretty cool decent people.
I start my heavy duty spring travel on Friday, crossing my fingers that there are no travel/weather issues. I’m heading to North Carolina where there is a spitting chance it is a touch warmer than the 0 degrees we have had here for the last month. Wish me luck!
And the latest issue of Threads Magazine has just hit the newstand. In it is my four page article on Staystitching, an old school sewing step that I still think is pretty critical but mostly lost on the newer generation of garment makers. Check it out!
Stay tuned!
And, all of your ‘groupies’ are thrilled you continue to receive positive results on all your tests. Great going! Stay calm and enjoy this busy spring! Looking forward to our time together in California!
Congratulations on every front, Daryl! And much strength and fortitude for the travel and teaching ahead!
Glad you’re still around!
Congratulations on the great results of your mammography and colonoscopy. I signed up for your webinar today but have to wait for the recording since I had a Quilt meeting at the same time. I had taken many in-person classes with you in New Jersey when I lived back East. I still love to wear my Daryl Jacket.
Congratulations on your good news! I watched your webinar today and thought it was helpful. I thought we’d actually be watching you talk, along with graphics, so it was a little disappointing that we only heard your voice and the graphics. I’m registered for the next program in March and I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t woven in the last 30 years and just bought an old 40’s Norwood 36″ loom, so I’m anxious to get it cleaned up and give her some new “accessories” and relearn how to weave. And I definitely want to weave yardage for clothes,… Read more »
YEA and YEA!! congratulations doesn’t do the celebration justice.
I got your first webinar and found it to be very helpful and LOVED hearing your voice!!! And you are a very clear speaker, just wonderful, thank you. Stay safe going to N. Carolina and have fun.
Yes!!! 🙂
Daryl, First Congratulations on your 13 survival years with breast cancer. And that your colonoscopy was great. Signed up for your webinar, but had a conflict today so have to watch it later tonight or tomorrow. Plan to sign up for March. I “wandered” in for my first mamogram 24 years ago in 1988 I believe. Then in 1989, 14 months later, and I was about 51, now 76, I “wandered” in for the second one. Welllll, never “wander” any of you. Because a spot was found, taken out, the 1/2 or anyway, teeny spot was “hormone” receptive. But surrounding… Read more »
Congrats on your tests. I listened to your webinar today and really enjoyed it. Picked up some handy tips and refreshed my memory. I got motivated and finished the sample warp on my loom so I can set it up for the crackle workshop. See you soon.
Congratulations on the all clear! I’m so glad the webinar went well and we all get to learn so much more from you. Have a great time in N. Carolina.
yay! yay! and it has been a pleasure to have had a couple of workshops and get to know you over the last several years!! Hope we here in North Carolina can provide some relief from cold and snow…don’t know exactly where you’re going (are you coming to Asheville?!?!) but her in western NC this morning we have 2 plus inches of snow! forecast for some more wednesday into thursday! at least the temps aren’t as bad as they were last week! anyway…safe travels! and here’s to a good life!!
God walks with you and you are blessed.
Great article in Threads. I not only still stay stitch, but also do directional stitching. Some things neither change or get better.
I thought about you when my cancer diagnosis was made last fall. I knew I could do it if you could do it. It turned out mine was very early and very small with no lymph node involvement. I had not had a mammogram in 4 years so was extremely lucky.
Congratulations on your good health reports! And thank you for continuing to blog. I love your posts and I always learn something from you. Im off to buy Threads now. 🙂 It’s March and winter is bound to be over soon….
Long time, no comment! Congratulations on your test results! I know how great that feels, just had my 7th negative one after my diagnosis. Let’s hope we can keep it that way for many years to come!
Good luck making it to Denver and enjoying the warm sunshine. We are sick and tired of single and double-digit low temps and snow walls everywhere in the Midwest, too. But lucky we don’t live in Boston!
Keep going and don’t slow down!