Mom, why is there a ficus in the middle of the kitchen?

Storm central here.  I arrived home from California just in time to have missed the earthquake that rattled the northeast corridor but not the hurricane that is currently barreling up the coast.

And this time around, my wonderful husband is home from Saudi Arabia to help man the guns…

He was around when the hose came off the pool and it emptied half way down.

He was around when the electrical fire started in the basement.  He was actually standing there.  We both were…  Thank you God…

He was around to take my son in for surgery Thursday morning after I got in at 2am from the airport.  Nothing major, a scheduled nose fix, from multiple breaks, including one last weekend.  Boys…

He was around to pick him up after surgery and fill all his prescriptions.

He was around to help take my daughter for all her off to college shopping needs.

And now, he is around to clear the exterior of our house for anything that could become a projectile in 70 mph sustained winds, and to prepare the property for the onslaught of Irene.  This is a scary storm, no precedent, since the ground and streams are already swollen from record rainfall this month.  The 6-12″ of water has no place to go.  I’m expecting a flooded basement, by Lincoln Park standards that is so a nothing…  About 60% of my town is in the flood zone.  It isn’t a question of “if” it is a question of “how bad”…

We’ve brought everything that isn’t nailed down into the garage, and all the indoor trees that were summering on the deck have been brought back into the house, hence the 10 foot “ficus” in the kitchen, it is the only room with a high enough ceiling.  And in preparation for an extended power outage I’m cooking freezer cuisine.  This involves some butter and wine in a pan, and three bags of anything in the freezer that won’t survive a power outage.  Serve over pasta or rice and instant dinner.  Remind me why there are six bags of frozen corn and no other vegetable?

We are hoping to come out of this with minimal damage, and any power outages shortlived.  One can only hope.  At least my whole family is here. We are scheduled to take my daughter to school on Tuesday, but UMass Amherst is in line for the eye of the storm to pass by on Monday, so at this point, we are getting emails that say, “Don’t come until we tell you to…”

For all of my loyal readers in the northeast corridor, stay safe.  May this all be a media hyped event and nothing else.  I can wish, can’t I…

Stay tuned…

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August 27, 2011 6:24 pm


Its defentely meida hyped.They hype everyone up, and scare everyone to death.There is no reason for it.You will be fine.Here in ct its only a tropical storm, and hopefully the electric won’t go out.But I still can weave,spin,and knit by candlelight.Lucky me. LOL!

August 28, 2011 6:14 am

Electrical fire…eek…that’s scarey! Hope your basement does not get too bad. Just BUCKETS of rain here in NJ hill country.

This AM finishing canning lots of stuff rescued from the veg garden ahead of the storm, then driving to the NY Finger Lakes for 6 days of felting classes. Hope our instructor has an unremarkable trip. She is coming from Felter’s Fling in central Mass.

Rita Rooney
Rita Rooney
August 28, 2011 7:46 am

Thank God you two were home for the electrical fire. Glad to hear you are all home, taking care of stuff. Watching MSNBC and it is scary to hear what is going on with you all up there. I worry about our still empty house in Columbia. Hope all stay safe and no damage to your home.

Candiss Cole
August 28, 2011 8:22 am

Be safe. Glad everyone is home together. I will be thinking about you today.

judy anderson
judy anderson
August 28, 2011 8:25 am

Thinking of u as I watch the storm on TV this morning. Prayiing for your safety. So glad your hubby is thee with you.

Mom with Love Always
Mom with Love Always
August 28, 2011 9:32 am

Hi, all safe here. Power outage, but not long periods. Chose to skip church because of the reported trees down all over Cockeysville. Sure glad to read you were home when you discoved the electrical fire. I Remember the one in our basement as I was showering on the 2nd floor. Pray you are all safe and did not take a lot of water. God be with all.

Sharon Alderman
August 28, 2011 10:15 am

I hope you come out of this with less mess and bother than you anticipate. I am glad everyone is with you so you can see them and know they are OK.

Jamie Jo
Jamie Jo
August 29, 2011 7:23 am

Welcome to our world! When these types of things happen to you, just do what we in Sunny-Hurricane ridden Florida do. HAVE A PARTY! have Pizza delivered (or TRY to have pizza delivered) pour your friends a mai-tai and party down. you’ll have fun, they’ll have fun and when the eye comes thru, go out and look for 1) the pizza delivery guy and 2) OTHER peoples damage.

Don’t worry its all covered by insurance. keep telling yourself that, it makes the pain a tad easier.

Susan McKee-Nugent
Susan McKee-Nugent
August 29, 2011 6:00 pm

SO glad you and yours are OK. Your husband is quite the MAN…….don’t tell him, head will enlarge 🙂
My friend in Colonia escaped also but not the surrounding area……..take care.

August 29, 2011 8:50 pm

Not bad in D C but those who had damage had it big. Please more news

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