Where in the World is Daryl…

I’m just surfacing from a long couple of weeks, where normal daily activities came to a screeching halt, and there was barely time to eat and shower, forget about posting a blog.  But the worst is behind me, at least for the next couple of weeks, and I can catch my breath and catch up on some projects in the studio.

I left Virginia the beginning of May, after a very successful workshop, it seems like months ago, not merely a short week.  I drove up through West Virginia, a gorgeous drive as you can imagine, and made it to my sister’s home in northern Maryland.  We drove last Monday up to Longwood Gardens in south western Philadelphia, to celebrate my mom’s 80th birthday.  You go mom!

If there is anyplace that can inspire it is Longwood Gardens.  Every time I’ve gone, I’ve come home with stacks of gorgeous images and lots of inspiration and a huge desire to lay down in a bed of flowers and melt into the earth.

My sisters and my mom gathered for a family photo, and yes dear readers, for those paying attention, that’s me in the suit I finished a couple months ago, with the handwoven trim.

Enjoy the photos of the gardens, if you ever get to the Philadelphia area, it is a wonderful place to visit year round.

After teaching the last class in the series at the Newark Museum on Tuesday, and the last fibers class at the county college Tuesday evening, I collapsed in bed from sheer exhaustion, and then in the morning drove to the airport to pick up Robyn Spady, whom I would be housing for the next few days while she taught a two day workshop on Double Sided Cloth for our weaving guild.

I took not a single photo, but suffice it to say, the workshop was wonderful, and it was the first time my daughter attended a weaving workshop, I pulled her out of school for the two days, and she blossomed.  She raced through the round robin style workshop like a pro, understanding the structures within minutes of looking at the drafts.  She invented some interesting color effects, and was generally a great help in getting the workshop set up and broken down.  I am so going to miss her next fall when she heads off to college.

I dropped Robyn off at the airport Saturday morning, and haven’t stopped until this morning.  Between theater tickets, trombone recitals, dinners, and working in the yard because the weather here is just too glorious not to, I’m pooped.  I’m trying to make sense of my studio, put everything back in its place, step over the new computer system my husband is building for me since this one is dying.  It will of course have Windows 7, and I’m sure there will be great gnashing of teeth while I adjust to it all!

Yesterday was Mother’s Day.  It was a glorious day, and my entire family, kids and husband were home in the same state in the same country at the same time.  🙂

My son cooked not one, but two meals for us on the new grill.  The old one was slowly dying, I’d find various parts rusted off and lying on the ground when I would walk out on the decks.  So we ate outside last night, and enjoyed grilled salmon and steamed mussels.  Life is good…

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Sandra Rude
Sandra Rude
May 9, 2011 9:01 pm

Wow, the women in your family are like the women in mine. We all look alike! The genes didn’t fall far from the [family] tree, there. The suit looks gorgeous. Of course.

May 10, 2011 7:54 am

Wow…I did not realize that was Bri’s first workshop. She handled it like a pro indeed….and it was not an easy one. Her swatch of 8 shaft stitched double cloth was my favorite swatch out of all.

Rita Rooney
Rita Rooney
May 10, 2011 10:14 am

Where you find the energy is beyond me. Longwood Gardens is indeed a place to rejuvenate the soul. Glad to hear you had a great time with the females in the family. Brianna is definitely a fabulous young woman. Wish I lived closed to get to know her now that she is grown. Look out college, Here she comes! I am so glad that you all were together for Mothers Day, and awesome that Eric played Chef. He looks wonderful and exudes confidence. Love to all of the family. Hope you can relax a bit before your next travel adventure.… Read more »

Mary Ehrlich
May 10, 2011 1:27 pm

Your suit is wonderful-of course. The jean pool was awesome and produce beautiful girls. Your parents must be so proud. Your mother looks like a very happy camper with the three of you. What a lovely picture with the great gardens in the background. As far as Windows 7 goes. I have had blood, sweat, tears, Mimbabway, India, tears, frustration, calls to people I don’t know, calls to my nephew who took control of the computer, took it back for repair, loaded all the programs again, tore out hair, and am having a geek coming tonight to try to fix… Read more »

Your sister Marta
Your sister Marta
May 10, 2011 4:15 pm

Loved the photos of the gardens! I think I was completely oblivious to your taking those shots…

Eric…the chef…I love it !!! Glad you could all be together. Jared brought steamed crabs and the puppies, so I had a good day as well.

Good luck with Windows 7…I think you know how my experience with it ended…taking the computer to a computer geek and getting him to wipe out Windows 7 and reinstall XP…
Love you!

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