I’m one of those who subscribes to the ‘Process not Product’ schools of thought. I have always enjoyed the process of getting somewhere way more than I enjoy the goal. At least I love the creative part of the journey and what I learn from that journey, once a piece has been finished, it largely sits around, getting dusty, or hanging in my closet waiting for that rare chance to go out into the world, rare I say because unless I’m on the road teaching, more often than not I’m in my pajamas in the studio. Still, I have a closet full of fabulous garments, most not practical with my lifestyle, but more importantly, I have a closet full of experience, challenges, lessons, and pride.
I started over the weekend, on a basic handwoven coat. Nothing fancy, I’ve done way more complex things, but this hand dyed handwoven fabric was busy enough and I just wanted something simple and updated. I showed the coat in progress in my last post a couple days ago. Last night, I finished the handwork and the coat is ready to wear.
J’adore. I mean really. I love love love this coat, the fit is great, it is bright and fun and looks great over pants or short skirts and tights, and I can see wearing it all fall. I don’t usually get that psyched over something I make. Like I would actually go out and buy this coat. And I can assure you it wouldn’t have been cheap.
Monday I’m heading in NYC for a museum excursion with a really wonderful old friend. I’m hoping the weather is perfect for my new coat and a kick-ass pair of boots. (Keeping in mind that I’m still hiking all over the city…)
Sometimes I just don’t know what comes over me. Again, it isn’t about the product, (see above) and sometimes with a pair of good shears in my hand I can be dangerous…
I have my patterns stored in labeled boxes, up on top of the file cabinet, and I was putting away a stack of patterns into their proper boxes and I kept moving this felted vessel from 2012 since it was perched on top of the boxes, just collecting dust. I despise dusting. But it is a necessary thing, and since I can’t not dust, I can slowly make things that catch dust disappear.
I attacked this vessel with my really good shears just to see what was inside. I don’t mean inside the vessel, I mean between the felted layers of colored batts. I squealed in delight.
I ended up cutting up the entire vessel and had this wonderful pile of raw materials to play with.
What I loved most was the symmetry formed from two adjacent strips, laid on their side.
I grabbed a mounting board and started to play.
I showed the piece to some fiber friends. Then I came home and took it all apart (the strips are held to the mounting board with T-pins), and this morning I rearranged the pieces and remounted them. I can see this becoming a morning creativity exercise. Sort of like sketching but I’m arranging fiber into a visual feast.
I tried leaving negative space.
I tried adding additional elements. (The leftover piping from the coat was just laying on the table screaming to be used…)
I’m having a really good time.
Stay tuned…
You put into words my creative life as well! I envision selling on Etsy but it rarely comes to fruition! Thanks for so much insightful honesty in your writings.
Absolutely beautiful coat!!!
Beautiful coat-maybe we’ll see it one day at The Wednesday Philosophy Club!
The felted vessel was a bit ho-hum. NOW it is going somewhere…very eyecatching and interesting! Process on!!!
Basic handwoven coat….indeed. Pardon whilst I wipe the tears of hysterics from my eyes…..talk about understatement. This weather is definately coatworthy. You should be good to go and will look fantastic..
What are you going to see? MoMA has what sounds like a kickass exhibit on American Modern coming up. That it?
Curious as to what it will be. I like these fiber cliff hangers.
The coat looks wonderful. I hope you are able to wear it into NYC next week — I’m sure you’ll be stopped and asked where did you get that coat! Have fun!
Iwish Iwas as passionate about anything the way you are. Love It!
I adore the coat, too! You look fantastic in it!
The felt cross sections are intriguing, tho some remind me a lot of CT scans, my background showing through. You will have fun with this art project!
You coat is beautiful. I remember seeing the fabric in Albuquerque at Convergence. You are so talented.
Your coat is beautiful. I remember seeing the fabric in Albuquerque at Convergence. You are so talented.
Love the coat. I have to agree with Ginnie, some of the felt designs looked clinical to me. What a great exercise!
Yes, love, love, love the coat but man, those felted strips………last one looks like a birth 🙂
Fabulous coat and FUN!!!!
Reminds me of the coat that Amy was making for Jen at harrisville last August, stylewise that is.