The Suspense…

OK, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer.  Of course I woke up in the morning, went right to the loom, re-tied the treadles, and started weaving.  One inch in I knew there was something wrong.  Sure enough, I had shaft 4 instead of shaft 5 tied to one of the treadles.  Silly me…

So I unwove, corrected the errant tie-up, and wove off about 10 inches.  I took a picture and then promptly moved onto the next task at hand.  And forgot to share the photo with you dear readers.  I’m so sorry!

I am really happy with the subtleties of this warp.  Though at first glance it just looks like stripes, it is really about 40 different skeins of yarn, many died in the same dyebath, but different fibers and textures.  I love working this way.  And I’m getting so much better and just grabbing warp ends and winding.  I have an eye on the draft, which is in color, but what goes on in each color section is just what I grab.  When I run out, I toss that cone or in this case index card!

I got this thought, that I’d love to have all seven of my Tools of the Trade looms warped at the same time.  I’m not sure what I’m trying to prove, but it will give me something to come home to when I leave the end of January for my month long teaching trip to California.  I’m actually not far, there are only two of the seven looms with nothing on them, the big ones, but I quickly thought of a warp that needed to get on the 36″ loom pronto.  I am in need of a stack of instant Christmas gifts, and dish towels (I’m on a roll) would be a perfect solution.  I called up WEBS and ordered some Cotlin (cotton and linen for those not in the know…) and Bri will pick it up at the guild meeting tomorrow night and bring it home with her the end of the week.  (It should be noted that three of the seven TOTT looms have the remains from workshops I’ve attended, which is pretty embarrassing, but my New Year’s resolution will be to clear all my looms!)

So that left loom  number 7, my big 45″ 8 shaft, naked.  I looked over my shelves, and thought I should get some yardage on there, and saw the multitude of cones and part cones of mohair I’ve accumulated over the years.  And we are talking years.  I wove mohair wefts in my production garments and sold them in the 1980’s in craft fairs.  I’m still sitting on a jackpot of mohair.

I lined up all the cones, sort of a waterfall of color, and the largest quantity is of course a muddy grey, where I have a few pounds.  It would be fine for the weft, but there wasn’t anything that stood out as workable for warp, so I decided to just use it all.  I did some quick figuring, I could probably get 12 yards of 32″ wide fabric at 6 picks per inch of weft.  And I’m thinking I have more than enough warp.  I eliminated the two skeins in the middle, the blue/white mohair skein has metallic and I kind of didn’t want that in the yardage, and I thought the white would be too contrast-y, and the hand dyed teal loop mohair wasn’t really the right color with the rest of the group.

I like using my AVL warping wheel to wind narrow warp chains.  So much faster than a standard mill since this is three yards per turn.  I wind 2 inch chains and tie them onto the front beam of the loom.  And I’m winding them the same way I wound the scarves,  just grab a couple ends and go.  I’m trying to work dark to light in the blues, and then light to dark to the naturals, so we will see how this all comes together.  I like not planning so much.  There is a big leap of faith that this will turn out alright, since 12 yards of mohair yardage is a lot to commit to without a real concrete plan.

Stay tuned…

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December 10, 2012 4:19 pm

I just started following your blog a few months ago and have loved each and every post so far. 🙂 I am a young weaver (in age and years weaving! 26 and weaving for 5 years) and find your blog (and you) very inspirational. I love that you don’t like to plan everything out completely. Me either! It’s fun to leave the parts you can to serendipity. LOVE the scarf and can’t wait to see how the mohair yardage turns out. Thanks for sharing your life and your studio with us readers. 🙂

December 10, 2012 5:04 pm

Yes, Daryl, I want to hear more about your mohair warp! I too have such a stash, with one lovely mohair warp that years ago was obviously not sett correctly — I took it off the loom and still have it chained in a basket. I’d love to put it back on the loom, properly this time, and make it good. Do you do 6 epi with the warp as well? Does a 12 dent reed work, or does one need something coarser? I’ll keep tuned….

December 10, 2012 6:37 pm

thanks, Daryl! you truly are a treasure! I’ll have to find me a coarser reed…..

December 10, 2012 9:55 pm

I love the scarves! Aren’t they beautiful!

Mohair, wow. One of my earliest weaving projects was a mohair shawl. How do you get a good shed? I remember raising one shaft at a time and clearing it, then raising another, etc. So sticky! The reed maybe? I don’t remember what I used. Twenty years ago, and I’ve stayed away from all mohair ever since!

December 11, 2012 10:10 am

Love the way you work. When I finally get my looms moved to the upstairs studio I will be doing some real stash busting. (Two boxes sent home with the stepkids yesterday). 🙂

Christina Granatier
Christina Granatier
December 11, 2012 5:37 pm

Love following your weaving adventures…though I will never have the patience to weave anything I find your skill amazing….your skills are pure magic…..

Candiss cole
December 12, 2012 8:00 am

It will be fun to see what you do with the mohair after all these years. A new outlook on an old friend that was a huge part of your collection. I remember you and I at the WBAI craft fair in NYC. setting up or taking down, it was cold…You were wearing your long mohair coat, looking fabulous…..

Catherine Conrad
December 12, 2012 10:17 am

Daryl, I love the colors in your warp. Can you say more about mohair yarns in the warp. I have always been leery of using mohair because of sticky sheds. -Catherine

Linda Van Heertum
Linda Van Heertum
December 12, 2012 9:40 pm

Daryl, i also have a TOTT 8harness 45″ loom and have woven mohair at 8epi 2/2 twill for the full width, about the same ppi. Raising one or two harnesses instead of full twill tieup at a time took care of a lot of the stickyness. I lightly fulled it and it worked well as a throw.
Do you use the metal jack chain on the tieup or have you found something else that works better?
I reallly appreciated your feedback on my long knit vest and sleeves at CNCH. Have kept the beads on so far;still considering removal.

December 13, 2012 8:44 pm

TOTT looms……….interesting. I have an old table loom, 4 harness, labelled this way :
Tools of the Trade This is ‘burned’ into a piece of leather that is attached to the
Granville NY side. One year I wove 35 scarves on it and sold every

Looking foreward to seeing the scarf……….LOVE the colours!!!

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