Calm before the storm…

Well, another storm is coming.  Funny how the 100 year floods are turning into the annual floods.  I’m here in targeted NJ, and yes, I track the storm path every three hours when they update.  I stopped at Walgreen’s yesterday on my way into NYC and ran into a friend from across town who lives in the flood zone.  She just finished restoring her house and moving back in from last year’s decimating flooding.  She was of course shell shocked and just a little stressed.  This is not an area that has frequent violent storms, and isn’t built to support them.  We have many rivers and streams.  We have too many gorgeous tall trees, still full of leaves, and too many buildings too close together.  The trees don’t bend and sway like palm trees in the tropics.  They crack in half and rip down power lines.  We spent a few thousand dollars the past two years having some very large and potentially dangerous trees removed, I’m so glad we did.  But that won’t help if other trees in the area pull down power lines and we are without power for a week or more.  This could get ugly…

That said, know that we live in a very sturdy house, built more than a hundred years ago, when a 2 x 4 was still a 2 x 4.  And we are not in the flood zone, though in a perfect storm, the water can come careening off the mountain and right into our basement.  My son, the bottom dweller has already begun clearing his room of 22 year old male debris.  The Comic Strip Zits in the Sunday paper  (10/28 it comes here on Saturday) was pretty hilarious and very timely…  And of course he is prepared to be mobilized if and when they call up the National Guard in NJ.

And I have a myriad of things I can do creatively in my studio, actually most things except the sewing machine and iron, that do not require electricity.  I have oil lamps and lots to keep me busy. Looms and knitting needles do not require electricity, neither do books.  We have city water and sewer, a wood stove and natural gas in the house.  And a grill.   I’ve sent out my proposals for the ASG conference next year, in Virginia, which were due next weekend, but I didn’t want to take the chance of waiting.  We’ve battened down the hatches so to speak, done what we can with the gardens and deck furniture.  The rest is a wait and see and try to figure out how to get dogs to pee and do their thing in the middle of a hurricane that lasts for two days.  And I am very very grateful that this storm, my dear husband is home for, not somewhere in Saudi Arabia like last year…

Many of you have been through worse, and we are all in this together.  Stay safe dear readers, especially those in the path of Sandy.  I’ll let you know how we fare later on in the week…

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Elizbeth E
Elizbeth E
October 27, 2012 9:04 pm

I’m sorry that living on the west coast means I can’t watch live TV reporting, to stay in touch during this potential disaster. Look forward to reading your posts (when the electricity is back on). Good to hear you are prepared.

October 27, 2012 9:13 pm

Sounds as if you are prepared…maybe that will be a deterrant?

October 27, 2012 9:19 pm

As I was at the table working on your collection to add to our guild library, I said to my husband, “I hope this storm doesn’t affect Daryl.” I pray for you and everyone in the path of this fierce storm.

blogless grace
blogless grace
October 27, 2012 9:42 pm

Wishing you the best from tornado alley in Iowa.

October 27, 2012 10:02 pm

We’ve been thinking of you whenever they do the reports out here on the West Coast and the predictions don’t look like it’s going to be fun. Glad you have lots of things you can do without electricity — another element of being a creative person! Please take care of yourselves and stay safe, dry and warm!

October 28, 2012 12:37 am

In New Orleans we found the storms would do what they wanted to do. Our part was just to bring in the yard stuff and make sure there was plenty of good beer and bottled water. Be safe. Glad that Mr. Daryl is home for this one!

Elizabeth Bryan
Elizabeth Bryan
October 28, 2012 10:03 am

All the best to you and your family and everyone in the storm’s way! Thankfully we are only worried here about a lot of rain for the kids on Halloween.

October 28, 2012 4:20 pm

I have friends not far from you and am thinking of both/all of you!! Keep warm and dry……….

October 28, 2012 7:24 pm

Mr. Daryl! I bet he loves that!

Mary Saxton
Mary Saxton
October 28, 2012 9:22 pm

Take care Daryl. Will be thinking of you and yours as we get updates of the storm. Hugs

Katie Lacewell
Katie Lacewell
October 29, 2012 1:47 pm

I’ve been thinking of you for the last few days. Sounds like you’ve done all you can to be prepared. So good that you have cooking and heating alternatives. And foot powered looms! E Every time we have a power outage, I’m so happy to have my looms. Makes me feel like a real old-timer.

Nancy Simonson
Nancy Simonson
October 31, 2012 7:21 am

I hope you and your family are well and safe. Been thinking of you!
Be strong!

Theresa Robinett
Theresa Robinett
November 5, 2012 4:02 pm

Thank you for spreading the word about Judith. She has done so much for many of us and now it is time to repay the debt.

Glad you and your family are safe and sound.

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