
My buddy left again on Wednesday for another long month in Saudi Arabia.  I miss him already.  Just having him around for all the holiday festivities made everything much brighter.  We tried to cram in as much as we could, not only work on the house, critical stuff, and parties (also critical stuff), and a long overdue trip to see my mom in Maryland, (really critical stuff) but the most important thing to me, was we made it back into NYC so Kevin could see my piece at the World Financial Center Gallery.  We went last Friday, which if you have a calendar from last year in front of you, you would know that it was December 30th, the day before the free for all that is New Year’s Eve on Times Square.  This day should come with a disclaimer as it is not for the faint of heart.  I can’t imagine actually going to Times Square on New Year’s Eve, I’ve lived outside NYC for the last 35 years, and I’ve never done it and have no intention of doing it.

Anyway, traffic was abysmal, it took a couple hours by bus, a ride that should have been 40 minutes.  Once in the city, we headed south towards the WTC site, and walked over to see my piece in the Crossing Lines exhibit.  If you haven’t read my blog post from the beginning of December, this won’t mean much to you.  You can catch up here.  I’ll wait…

We ran through the exhibit (since we were running about an hour and a half behind schedule), Kevin snapped another photo of me with my piece, and we walked over to the Winter Garden, which is still so hauntingly beautiful by both day and night.  He got some wonderful shots with his Nikon d5000.

We wandered out to the water front, that would be the Hudson River, and New Jersey beyond, just at dusk, which was gorgeous.  The view to NJ is beautiful, you can just imagine how spectacular the skyline would be if we were standing on the Jersey side of the Hudson looking back at the tip of Manhattan at twilight.

We headed over through and around the construction site, to the World Trade Center Memorial, it just opened this year, on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and it is breath taking.  We got advance tickets, free of course, but you still have to get them online ahead of time and go through TSA type security (at least we didn’t have to take our shoes off, it was cold), and I have to say, as tragic as this event was, and as difficult as it was to come up with some kind of sacred memorial that pleased everyone, this is in my books the eight wonder of the modern world, or is it nine?  What are we up to?

The foot prints of the twin towers, two giant squares, were turned into HUGE waterfalls, and all around the perimeter, etched in marble or granite, some black stone, were the names of everyone who died on 9/11, including the Pentagon and the flight that crashed in PA, all the first responders who died, and those who died in the first attempts to bring down the trade center in 1993.  What was particularly touching was the etched names of women with “their unborn child”.  Sobering, poignant, yet incredibly uplifting.  The deafening sound of the steady waterfalls filled the empty void with something alive yet temporary, like life.

We got onto a northbound E train, and headed over to Rockefeller Center to see the tree. There were massive bodies, hard to move a step in front, I was very glad my husband was 6’3″ tall and I could find him easily in the crowd.  We managed to see the tree, and get some kind tourist to snap a photo of both of us.  Then we crawled out of the melee and headed over to Times Square.  The day before the festivities has it’s own sort of energy, but I have to say, I don’t do crowds, I don’t do bright lights, and I hate excessive noise.  I was close to a meltdown by the time we walked through Times Square and we headed over to the Port Authority and grabbed a bus home.  We got to a Panera close to where we live in NJ and settled in for some quiet chat and decent soup/sandwich combinations and some much needed  comfort.

Anyway, I’m glad we went into NYC last Friday, and I’m glad Kevin got to see my piece.  It was important to me.  And I’m really glad I got to see the WTC memorial.  I will return often.  And I’m glad we picked up a couple of cheap 2012 glasses from a street vendor in Times Square, and wore them to the annual New Year’s Eve party in a neighboring town.  Our friends have a projection TV system, and here we are standing in front of “Times Square” on the projection TV, just after midnight, celebrating the New Year.  I’m so glad I was in a cozy home theater room in our friend’s house in Montville and NOT in the actual Times Square…

And now, a word from our sponsor…

So here is the deal…  I write this blog for free.  I have fun with it, and it serves my need to express myself in a way different than fiber.  I’m thrilled with the 500 plus subscribers that read my blog, and your comments mean the world to me.  But I have to earn a living in here somewhere.  So please bear with me for just a moment while I shamelessly advertise all the opportunities to study with me this year.  I posted my schedule as I have it so far on my website, click here.  There are many opportunities to study Garment Construction with me including a couple new offerings at WEBS, (where I’ll get to visit my daughter at UMass) along with a  5 day workshop in Asheville, NC, my regular annual class at Sievers School of Fiber in Wisconsin, an eight week class at the Newark Museum in NJ, and many new online opportunities at  I teach lots of different classes, including warping techniques, inkle weaving, color and inspiration classes, photographing your fiber art, and of course the Weave a Memory class, the technique that gets mentioned lots in this blog. I love the online format, I teach in my bedroom slippers and don’t have to get on an airplane!  I’m also teaching at the Conference of Northern California Handweavers, Convergence, and the American Sewing Guild conference in Houston.  Sign up early and often!

OK,  commercial announcement over…

Now for some pretty for the week.  I am slowly and methodically getting things done in the studio.  Lots of interruptions, all good, like the emergency call this morning, “can we move the dinner party to your house tomorrow night?”.  Crap.  So instead of finishing up beaming my warp, I cleaned my downstairs.  Thanks for helping Larissa and Brianna!  The house needed cleaning anyway, and I feel better when I move around a tidy clean smelling environment.  The remnants of Christmas are gone, and my looms are calling…

Can I say I’ve never loved a warp so much in 35 years of weaving?

And I finished the muslin for the scarf dress I’m hankering to do, but I can’t show you that, since I just shipped it off to Threads Magazine for a small article for them.  Obviously on making a muslin…

So Happy New Year and onto some creative adventures…

Stay tuned…


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January 7, 2012 6:41 am

I must agree. Visiting NYC is loads of fun with so much to take in but a lot overwhelming for the senses, especially during the holidays! Glad to know you had such a wonderful time with your family this holiday season — emotionally restorative.

Lovely, lovely warp Daryl! I’m looking forward to watching the progress to finished yardage… all that dyeing last year, what a payoff! Looking forward to taking several (online) classes with you this year — I wish I could take them all! Be well and keep inspiring! Best wishes in 2012.

January 7, 2012 7:56 am

OH Love the colours on your warp. That is going to be beautiful. Have fun. Ha love the picture of you and your husband with the 2012 glasses on. hugs

Marie Payne
January 7, 2012 12:06 pm

Love reading your blog, Daryl.
Wish you a fabulous 2012.
Congrats on your piece in the exhibit. I totally missed the online workshop re memory weaving. Will that be repeated?
Love the warp on your loom. Luscious colour.

Marie Payne

January 7, 2012 12:12 pm

Gotta get to the Memorial and Winter Garden one of these days.

LOVE the warp. It has a real magic feel. Can’t wait to see where it goes to.

January 7, 2012 12:16 pm

Your trip to NYC was awesome and so wonderful to have Hubby with you! Thanks for the photos as I doubt I’ll ever get to NYC.
I’m so inspired by your wonderful new warp, I’m off to my studio this sunny morning and getting some weaving done as I’ve got a couple of projects lined up I want to get on the loom.

Rita Rooney
Rita Rooney
January 7, 2012 12:21 pm

Visiting NYC is always a pleasure. I miss having that opportunity. I, too, want to see the WTC site, for all the reasoned imagined as well as having been an EMT and having been called in for the dreadful event. We only got to Fort Lee, we were not needed. I would have loved to see your piece in person. but thanks for all the updates about it. It reminded me of my Mom. Your warp is stunning. What are you planning to do with it? Did I miss that day? You are and continue to be an inspiration to… Read more »

January 7, 2012 12:24 pm

Beautiful warp, Daryl! Are the yarns from when you went on the daily dyeing project? I don’t remember if it was daily, but seemed like it. I need to do that too. I’ve way too much whit yarn! But alas, mine is still on cones and tubes. Hmmmmm…. I have a daughter with some spare time.
Cheers to the new Year!

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
January 7, 2012 2:38 pm

Awesome…while reading this thinking of a somewhat resolution to get back to weaving, so if you find me in one of your classes, don’t be surprised! And special thanks to Kevin for bidding on that online auction and helping us out at Art Pride. Best to you in the New Year. You never fail to inspire me!

Joan Anderson
Joan Anderson
January 7, 2012 3:38 pm

Anyone interested in learning from Daryl in No CA, May 18-20 should go to She will be judging the fashion show garments and will do a class on the garments once they are hung in the galleries. We have lots of good vendors coming and will have lots of exhibits in weaving, spinning, felting, basketry, tablet weaving, etc. There are good classes still available. It will be held at the Oakland Convention Center and Marriott Hotel. I know this is plug but it is also a chance to learn from Daryl. I am the Chairperson of the conference so… Read more »

January 7, 2012 9:23 pm

Thanks for everything you do and best wishes for 2012 for your whole family. I remained awed and inspired.

January 9, 2012 8:40 am

Wow, this was a really great blog day. Loved see your photos and hearing about your day with Kevin in NYC. Good times. I’ll be taking a couple of your classes at the next CNCH in May and very much look forward to taking one of your classes again. Your warp is fabulous!

Candiss Cole
Candiss Cole
January 9, 2012 9:43 am

great catch up. I love the photos of you and Kevin. They really bring home the feeling of NYC. I have a photo that Rodger took of me in front of that same tree…but at 7am in the morning….almost no one there at that time! The site of the Twin Towers will always hold a special energy and vibration that no other place on earth will ever compare to. It holds the lives and spirits and dreams of many. The honors bestowed on them allows those who loved them, a place to sit in peaceful rememberance. And for the rest… Read more »

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A New Year…

I will admit that I am rather annoyed by the whole holiday season which is loud and expensive and in...
