Mid-Week Snack…

Oh wait, it isn’t mid-week yet…

I’ve totally lost track of days, which is a bit dangerous when I have these online classes tucked in here and there, my big fear is I will forget to log on…

The big news is, I finished my jacket.  The jacket from hell.  The hardest thing I’ve ever tried to sew.  Physically.  You have no idea…

I actually finished the jacket last weekend, but I didn’t want to add to my already lengthy post, the post  was perfect the way it was, and I wanted to save something for later on in the week.  I wore the jacket to recorder consort rehearsal on Sunday.  Everyone asked if I knit my hat.  I said, “no”, the hat was a refugee from a 1980’s craft fair.  I found it in the stash of mittens and gloves.  But I made the coat.  They all looked at me like I had three heads.  I get use to it.

I probably went through four packages of size 18 needles, a box of pins, and a half dozen hand sewing needles.  My fingers hurt, and my nails were pricked, skin bled, and shoulders hurt.  After awhile, I could no longer get the bulky jacket even near the machine, which shuddered when it saw me coming.  I resorted to sewing the last 25% completely by hand. With pliers.  But it was all worth it.  I love my jacket, it is warm, and comfortable.  I showed my girlfriend and she exclaimed, “You made that?  It is so current…”  (I’m not going to dwell on the ramifications of that statement, I know my friend is much more youthful and contemporary in the way she dresses, and I probably don’t spend a lot of energy on current trends, I prefer timeless, which will last much longer in my closet since I keep clothing for 20+ years…)

Anyway, I finished the coat, and I finished building a new PowerPoint presentation, all that takes enormous energy and a lot of computer time.  I decided to be kind to my machine and sew something quick and painless and make sure I didn’t ruin it, throw out the timing or bend the shank.  All is well, and my Janome 6600 seems happy and relieved.  This little evening top is a Butterick pattern 5147, and I made it from some novelty fabric remnant I picked up years ago from a Joann’s in Detroit.  So I’m guessing the fabric isn’t too current.  But I like the top anyway, perfect for holiday parties.  And I have a few to attend.

And so I started on my next big project, I mulled it over while I did endless hours of handsewing on my jacket.  I want to get something substantial on one of my looms, they have been idle too long and there is this exhibit coming up for Convergence, you know, the yardage exhibit…  No pressure.  Deadline is January.  Plenty of time…

So I thought I’d do a gradient warp, from a bunch of hand dyed rayon, silk, tencel, etc. skeins I dyed last year.  I’m thinking of mixing structures twill, plain weave, with some supplemental floats.  I’m trying not to plan too carefully, just see how this takes me, dangerous I know, but worth a shot.  The worst that can happen is I don’t like the end result, and I re-sley or re-thread or cut it into tote bags…

Before I can do anything though, I need to de-skein all those gorgeous skeins, into pull balls.  A slow process to be sure.  I’m sorely tempted to invest in an electric cone winder…

On a side note…  Thanks so much for all the wonderful supportive caring comments about my last post.  It was a special night, and it helped me solidify what a gift it was by writing about it.  I toss it out into the ether, and where it lands, is out of my hands.  When it comes back with so many lovely supportive comments, that is a gift that keeps on giving.  I follow a couple of blogs religiously, one is the Yarn Harlot.  I just like the way she writes.  Within about an hour of a post, there are a couple of hundred comments.  I almost never comment, I figure she has enough to read.  But maybe I should rethink that, since every comment I got made me smile and move through my day just a little bit lighter.  So thank you…

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December 13, 2011 1:01 pm

if you have a drill, with an adjustable chuck, these are perfect for winding bobbins cheaply

you set the Bobbin Winder Shaft into the drill, tighten up, and then slip the bobbin along the shaft til it’s secure. wind on!


i love mine and it helped rescue the drill which had been idle (hooray for no repairs needed around the place)

December 13, 2011 1:19 pm

oh! how embarrassing!

you’d totally mentioned cones, and there i was, all excited about the wrong thing

December 13, 2011 1:24 pm

Daryl – my first trip to your blog. I’ve never been so impressed – you are extremely talented! There was a time that I actually used to do these things – minus the weaving – I loved making clothes, searching for just the right fabric (and also picking things up as I went along, saving them for years and years before finding just the right clothing piece to use it for), but those days have long passed. But I have to say you make me want to take the cover off my old Morse machine and let it hum again… Read more »

December 13, 2011 2:56 pm

Daryl – lovely jacket …. and wear the red top on New Year’s Eve – you will look stunning (as always).
I love reading your blog, even though I can’t sew a button on anything, but having had the pleasure of my Grandmother being a talented seamstress – I still get a thrill out of fabrics, buttons and the like.
Thank you.

December 13, 2011 3:12 pm

Get out the swift, ball winder and a bottle of wine. Then call me. The jacket is fabulous and I hope you wear it on Thursday so we can all rave on it.

December 13, 2011 3:52 pm

Always nice to get feedback. 🙂 The jacket looks very wearable and you look great in it. Now or 20 years from now, I’m quite sure. 😀

December 13, 2011 6:19 pm

Great blog and outstanding jacket!

Ruth Temple
Ruth Temple
December 13, 2011 7:03 pm

Gorgeous jacket, and yes, now and in another 20 years – well worth the struggles with pliers!

Sheila Carey
Sheila Carey
December 13, 2011 7:39 pm

Wow! The jacket, the top, the skeins – and the evening in NY. You are an inspiration!

December 14, 2011 7:29 am

Oh I love the jacket. You look great in it too!! Love the red top perfect for the holidays. The skeins are beautiful can’t wait to see what they become. I was thinking of getting an electric ball winder too, in fact had one in my hand and put it back. It was almost $90.00 YIKES!! hugs

December 14, 2011 8:40 am

The jacket was well worth the effort. It is yummy. Love the top too.

Color is so much fun to play with. The skein layout makes my fingers itch to play with a new project. (But I HAVE vowed to finish up a bunch of UFOs before the New Year). Can’t wait to see the journey of your new yardage unroll!

Elizabeth Bryan
Elizabeth Bryan
December 14, 2011 9:42 am

Your jacket is gorgeous! I have my fingers crossed that I can get to Convergence so I look forward to seeing your yardage. The skeins look beautiful already – just wait until you get to weave them – ok now you have me planning my next project in my head but it may have to wait until the 26th 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration with every blog post!

December 14, 2011 9:45 am

Absolutely beautiful! Is it denim? Love the style. When our oldest son was in High School I made him a denim jacket – lined the sleeves too. Made many of my own patterns at that time. I wasn’t sure he would wear it to school but he did. Several of his friends asked if I would make one for them. NO…I did not make more!
The red top is beautiful.
I love “timeless” too.

Your blog is always a joy!

Merry Christmas!

Martha Witcher
Martha Witcher
December 14, 2011 9:53 am

Your coat is timeless and you look lovely in it, great job! The red top is awesome, wish it was hanging in my closet! You are an inspiration to me and have been for a very long time. I hardly ever comment on blogs, not because I don’t have anything to say but for the same you reason you stated – the blogger has a ton of stuff to read already. You are an inspiration for a lot people, keep up the good work! By the way someday could you post your granola recipe, it looks delish.

December 14, 2011 12:26 pm

Jacket is awesome! And, will live longer than your 20 years! Congrats on getting it finished. The line-up of the lovely yarns will definitely be a fabulous fabric. Go girl!!

Rhonda from Baddeck
Rhonda from Baddeck
December 14, 2011 3:00 pm

The jacket is gorgeous – it might be ‘current’ but it’s also timeless. It will be stylish forever.

Mom with Love Always
Mom with Love Always
December 18, 2011 11:12 am

Oh WOW! Perfect! Makes me glad I taught you to sew. That’s for the jacket and Holiday top. Looking forward to seeing them when you visit MD next week.

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