Surburban Refugees…

This will be a quick post, no photos, I’m able to access my blog accounts with my MiFi which has thankfully started to work again.

We here in the northeast have experienced yet another weather related environmental disaster, if you haven’t heard, just turn on the news.  Over 1,000 trees destroyed in Central Park alone.  Many are still without power, living in shelters or with relatives, food spoiled, my son spent the last three days working at Target inventorying and tossing all the perishables, the second time in two months, they had no generator for keeping freezer cases cold.  He said he was assigned the freezer room since he was the only one who could tolerate the smell of rotting food.  Maybe his military training?

I miraculously still have power and never lost it, odd since just a block away, everything was dark.  But I don’t have cable, internet, and phone since all come from the same source, and apparently that source is without power.  No telling when it will be back.  So I am relying mostly on my Android phone, an absolute lifesaver, and since I do have power, I can keep it charged. It is the small things one doesn’t think about until times like this…

We did suffer some damage to our trees, our beautiful specimens, the baby sequoia I wrote about in a blog post a couple years ago, and my beautiful curly willows, raised from cuttings, all snapped in half from the cement like weight of the heavy wet snow that stuck to all the leaves of the trees that were just starting to turn fall colors.

Once again, my issues are minimal, but so many are just in shock and sad, many hadn’t recovered from the hurricane, no walls and floors and in constant fights with insurance companies.  It is hard to keep experiencing all these disasters with my husband in Saudi Arabia, hard for him as well to be so helpless.  But I’ve been blessed so far, I have my bottom feeders here to help, and we have been spared once again, any appreciable damage.  The only house issue was a fascia/gutter that spanned the front of the house which came down from the weight of the cement snow hitting the porch roof and careening off like an out of control snowboarder to land in the driveway inches from the back of my car.

So know I’m fine, and am able to print and package and get ready to ship stuff ahead to my last teaching job of the season, in Cleveland.  I’ve finished my book (Cutting for Stone), which was excellent, finished a pair of knitted socks, worked offline on building a website for my guild, and submitted multiple proposals for the ASG sewing conference for next year and spent a day submitting a calendar of new online classes for the next couple of months on  I managed to upload them right before we lost service on Saturday.

Stay tuned…



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November 2, 2011 6:39 am

Glad to hear you made it thru relatively well. Had at least 12″ of snow here. Went out and knocked snow off our young apple trees a couple times. Suprised they managed to spring back. No power Sat. PM to Tues AM. Doable with kerosene stove and generator running.

Elizabeth Bryan
Elizabeth Bryan
November 2, 2011 7:03 am

Wow, we are so lucky here (near Toronto) but a great reminder to always be prepared and I will start stocking up for teh winter storms now. You never know. So glad you are ok and able to get things done 🙂

November 2, 2011 7:11 am

Sounds like a replay of the ice storm that hit here in NE Arkansas a couple of winters ago only without the white stuff. We still have “dead man” limbs hanging from all the trees and will be picking up for years. Glad to hear you are all okay. We must be really irritating Mother Nature!

Julie Kornlbum
November 2, 2011 7:44 am

Wow, glad you’re ok. The wind started blowing here last night. It’s going to be hot and dry, and they are getting ready for fires this week.

November 2, 2011 7:58 am

Like Sue, we experienced a terrible ice storm that destroyed so many of our trees. It was painful to hear during the night, then to hear and see all during the next day. I found that the longer we were without power (7 days) the more cognitive slippage I had. I can’t even begin to imagine how those who had been hit by the earlier weather tragedies are managing to maintain. My thoughts have been with you and all those who have been suffering due to Mother nature

Candiss Cole
Candiss Cole
November 2, 2011 8:34 am

Somehow, you always find the blessings in the midst of the storm. Thank the bottom feeders for me, for taking care of my best friend.

judy anderson
judy anderson
November 2, 2011 9:29 am

So glad to know you are ok. Been thinking of you and praying for your safety.

blogless grace
blogless grace
November 2, 2011 2:33 pm

Glad to hear that so little happened this time. May it melt soon, but gradually so no more floods for your area.

November 2, 2011 3:25 pm

Glad you are safe and in fair shape weather-wise. Hope your neighbors get back on the grid soon.

Mary Saxton
Mary Saxton
November 2, 2011 8:00 pm

Thank you Daryl for the update. Your weather has been unbelievable damaging and our thoughts are with those that are struggling. As Julie noted, we are having Santa Ana winds here in SoCal and brush fires (all under control). We are headed for a cool, weekend in the low 60s with rain Friday and Monday. Nothing compared with your weather. Take care of yourself. We need you.

November 3, 2011 10:32 am

thanks for your update, Daryl – the Cleveland contingent are glad that you are safe, and look forward with anticipation to our time together next week!

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