Hard to Play…

I have these two weeks to just play in the studio, the goal here is to come up with three works to photograph to enter for an exhibit I’d love to participate in, and I’m finding it really difficult to just stay on task and stay focused.  Part of the problem is I am not exactly sure where I’m going, and that’s as it should be, but that isn’t familiar territory for me in this context, and I’m all over the place.

That’s probably why I haven’t posted in about a week, as my dear husband, who is in Saudi Arabia and looks forward to my posts reminded me today.  I don’t like to post when I don’t have anything brilliant to say.  I’m actually just muddling along, feeling my way, and starting to get some direction.  And the deadline is looming.  Pun intended except there is no loom involved here.

I know when I teach, I encourage students to not have a plan or a goal for their fabric.  That actually works really well for me with garments, because there is an underlying goal, the fabric will eventually be worn, but that kind of “not knowing where I’m going” is much easier since I actually do know where I’m going, I’m eventually going to make a garment.  It is different when I’m sitting here with three 9x9x3″ boxes with nothing in them, and I have to make “art” by next Friday, so I can photograph them and enter the show.  I really don’t know what I’m doing here, and I’m using unfamiliar materials, and yet, a vague memory of working like this in art school comes haunting back somewhere in my subconscious.

When I am working in familiar territory, warping a loom, constructing a garment, sending out applications or proposals, I’m the model of efficiency.  But creativity can’t be rushed.  I try a little of this, spend a couple hours seeing if something will work, it doesn’t or I get a better idea, and I shift into a different direction.  And it is really really hard to do this by yourself with no feedback.  This is where I really miss my daughter.  If nothing else, she can come in and state the obvious which I usually can’t see because it is staring me in the face.  I find myself taking frequent breaks, weeding the yard, having a lot of cups of tea on the deck, emailing friends, walking down to my neighbor’s for cocktails, hanging with the boys in the basement (I actually played beer pong one night and won…  Don’t ask…)

I’m finally feeling like I have a direction and for better or for worse, I have my work cut out for me and I think I know what path I’m taking.  Until I get a better idea…

So here is what I have for now.

I completed box number one, cheered on by two of my son’s friends, Jenna and Alli, who stopped in frequently to see how it was going.  The series is called Life Forms, and this box represents earth.  It is cross cut felt, rewoven back together.  It is hard to seem the dimensional quality of the felt in the box.

In the meantime, it was either Jenna’s or Alli’s suggestion that gave me the idea to continue the series with Fire and Water.  So I built batts of carded wool in fire and water themes, and stacked them up.  Then I wet them down, and rolled them for hours sitting on the deck listening to a book on tape.  Once I got them down to the size I needed, I cross cut one of them into strips, pressed the strips flat and started to play with “fire” forms.  The strips are pinned down on a board, and I’m trying to sew them all together so they will hold while I arrange them in the box.  Meanwhile I’m finding elements in my studio that I think might want to play along, some bark, and some deep plum crinkled paper yarn from Habu that I’m weaving into a grid or net.  I have no idea what I’m doing…












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July 19, 2011 1:46 am

I think the fire forms are really going somewhere..it’s really great to hear the inside of your life, I feel more “normal’ when I hear your routines and thought processes. The bark has real potential for me too…I love the covering, protective quality and the textures. My galah loves a good chunk to keep his beak in shape too. Your wool looks so much fun to work with. Thanks for letting us in on the action and keep going!

July 19, 2011 3:33 am

I truly sympathise. Weaving and designing/making garments are all in the material world [no pun intended] whereas ‘art’ is an abstract idea that you have to pluck from the air almost and make it right before our eyes. It really is almost akin to thought transference. The abstract idea is born in your mind and you have to translate it so that it makes sense in ours. So far I have to say you are making sense to me. Your fire is almost alive and moving. I look forward to your water box – so many possibilities, it will be… Read more »

July 19, 2011 6:48 am

Darn, I wrote a really insightful comment, and then I lost it!

To summarize: It looks great, it’s coming along, aren’t you a brave person out there on the art frontier creating art out of natural felty stuff! Seeing your work reminded me I found a stash of thrown silk that I just know you would have fun incorporating in your felt work. I’ll send you some…

Big hugs and a pat on the back,

July 19, 2011 7:07 am

How about some time on the yoga mat? That usually helps me when my head is in a fog. You’ve mentioned yoga before…so I thought maybe….

Remember ‘beginner’s mind’ and all that stuff.

Elizabeth Bryan
Elizabeth Bryan
July 19, 2011 7:19 am

The felt is breathtaking Daryl! I’m sorry you feel blocked, I know that feeling, but it looks wonderful from here. I’m just sorry we can’t ask about the beer pong…LOL

Gisela McDonald
Gisela McDonald
July 19, 2011 8:03 am

the “Fire” looks fabulous! Should you have prblems with manipulating and sewing it to stay within the box, Jo Sonja’s Textile Medium (for fabric painting) does the trick. It dries clear! I use it for laminating silk roving. Wish you lived closer, I would run over some for you. Usually available in Art Supply stores, and there are probably other brands also.
Keep felting!

July 19, 2011 8:08 am

I like…I like! Earth is a nice stable pattern…I can see bark there. Fire is wonderful. I would be tempted to tuck in maybe small black stones/red beads (coals/embers)…or as Chad says…maybe not. Water…another nice flow…or maybe a swirling vortex…a malestrom? OK, so I stayed up too late the other night and watched another Pirates of the Carribean.

July 19, 2011 10:01 am

Fire- terrific!!!

judy anderson
judy anderson
July 19, 2011 11:41 am

found this on my email, thought of your blog. It fits what you said

Imagination needs noodling –
long, inefficient, happy idling,
dawdling and puttering.

judy anderson
judy anderson
July 19, 2011 11:44 am

I really like your felting idea, very creative. Jenny mentioned black stone aqnd beads, which was my thought also. Great minds— or creative souls——Thanks for keeping us posted and connected

Mary Ehrlich
July 19, 2011 12:10 pm

Belong to the Ocean There is a place in this world where we all belong Where we can be as free as the wind and as reckless as the waves We could sleep on the sand and walk the shores Where the water will love us and we will care for it Where we can swim forever into the depths of the sea And explore the places where people have never been And share secrets with the coves and have a family of miles of seawater See creatures of other worlds and beautiful kelp forests That’s where I would be… Read more »

Peggy Bowman
Peggy Bowman
July 19, 2011 7:32 pm

Wow, Daryl, for having no idea what you’re doing, looks like you’re on the right path. Enjoy the journey. And, thanks for sharing the journey with us.

Marcia Russell
Marcia Russell
July 20, 2011 1:20 am

Daryl, I just read your wonderful article in the new issue of the American Sewing Guild Notions newsletter. I’m “sew” glad I connected you with ASG. You have expanded horizons for all of us who love working with fiber in all of its forms.

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