Jockey Hollow Weavers Guild
Grace Lutheran Church
65 East Main Street
Mendham, NJ 07035
Weave a Memory Workshop with Daryl Lancaster
October 7-8 (Sat-Sun), 9:30-4pm
An unusual use for a time honored technique, this four shaft inlay structure can produce a powerful personal statement, capturing a memory by using printed images on cloth. Learn to scan, and manipulate images in Photoshop, and print digital images on silk or cotton with an ink jet printer. The cloth images will then be cut apart into strips, and rewoven back together using a four shaft structure with a ground cloth and tie-down threads. Loom required.
Cost of workshop $50. (Includes materials fee)
For more information on this workshop and to access the draft and loom requirements, please click here.
To register for this workshop please contact Jenny at